
Having watched my ex throw herself gleefully down the SL rabbit hole, your comment made me laugh out loud.

It’s fine... it looks a bit much like an Aventador for my tastes, but whatever... It’s a Lambo, and it looks and will drive like a Lambo.

I’ve got a 2-Tone records tattoo with Walt Jabsco on my right arm. You could say I’m familiar...

My mom, who passed away last month, always wanted a 1966 Jaguar E-type convertible, in British racing green. Long, sleek, and just the right shade of green.

Ew. Hard no. Who keeps telling owners of these miserable machines they can fetch this sort of money? I blame Radwood...

Someone else’s ugly project. Hard no!

That’s setting the bar pretty low, considering you’re basically comparing it to the boxy Cavalier/Sunbird, the Beretta, and the *gag* Corsica... I grew up around Metro Detroit, and that doesn’t change my acceptance that pretty much every American car back then was just absolutely miserable.

The Crosstrek Premium has a manual available at least until the 2022 model year. My 2017 is so much more fun with a stick than the CVT I test drove was!

It always makes me cringe, when a car as miserable as this gets so many NP votes. Really lets me know how much older than the rest of this site I am. This was the era of Chrysler from when I came of age, and I’d rather drive something more engaging, better performing, with better handling. Like a Geo Metro...

Too worn to be that much

This price is stupid, but...gotta admit, I kinda wanna sit in that back seat.

You can get these with a clean title, not needing bodywork, for barely more than this. Hard pass.

Only the Countryman from that generation was built in Germany, by the last info I knew... My 2011 Clubman was built in Oxford. Where was yours made?

Ah, my 2000 turbo Beetle. How I loathe thee, let me count the ways - all 19,412 of them! That’s how many dollars I spent repairing that shitbox over the 3'ish years I owned it. I got one Beetle for the price of two!

LOVED driving my MINI, LOVE not having the stress of owning it anymore.

It ticks so many right boxes, but totally misses “not getting cut in half in a minor fender bender, because 80s crash safety was for shit”. For this price, you can have so many other manual, AWD sedans, 30 years newer. You can get WRXs for this money, if you don’t want them this clean. You can get an Angel Eye Impreza

I’d consider buying this, if I was gonna make a post-apocalypse or retro-futuristic B grade sci-fi flick, but only for like... 1/3 this price, tops.’s a lifted Honda Civic?

It’s just...bland. Sure, the seats may hug your butt like a comfy couch, but luxurious it never was, and it was utterly miserable to drive. ND. If I’m taking a gamble on mechanicals in a “luxury” car, there are plenty of BMWs and Audis on Craigslist in this price range, and I can still get parts for those...

The amount of rust on that brake booster scares me. ND without that replaced with a verifiably good component, and I’d still haggle down below $4k if I could. Too many other comparable vehicles for the same money that won’t cut you in half if you get in a fender bender...