
Exactly why I NP’ed it. Nobody should buy this to be their daily, but I bet it’s dependable as hell as a farm truck.

Oh sure, you post the article about de-badging, the day after I put my Subaru badges of ownership on my Crosstrek...

Any pics of the finished areas, post-removal and buffing, up close? I’m curious what it looks like.

The $7-8000 prices I saw suggested as decent were from a US market Fiat owner’s site, so..... okay

Sure, we didn’t get these. Sure, it’s tarted up. But it’s not worth this price. Judging by what I found at a quick google, this is almost twice the price it should be. ND.

This is barely worth a LeMons price. Most LeMons E30s are in better shape. 

It’s a damn K kar...Sure, these things run for damn ever, but come the hell on...There’s no reason for this to be more than half this price. These were small, miserable little death traps.

It’s very clean, it looks well cared for, but it’s about twice the price I’d be willing to pay for it. This money buys much newer hardware. ND.

I’m down with OPP (Other Peoples Project), when it’s handled like this. Well organized, options on pricing. I’d probably try to talk the seller down a little on the both engines option, but still...It’s so rare that I’d vote NP on something like this, yet this one is clean enough that it’s hard to say no to...

I picked this up after rage quitting Celeste. It’s beautiful, and requires thought, but it’s not hard per se. There’s a great chase scene that’s probably the hardest part, but I never needed to reload from dying or anything. In the end, I came away with a feeling of serene calm, and appreciation of the game as a piece

I work in TechTown, the building Ned runs. That dude is good people. Glad to see he shat upon the heads of these two.

Do you want Doom? Because this is how you get Doom...

I switched to K&N filters so I can throw out fewer filters over the life of the vehicle. I never had any illusions about them making my cars faster. Neat to know a couple ponies show up on turbocharged cars, but it’s not really enough to notice...

If you’re not selling it with those gorgeous wheels, don’t show it with them. It was those wheels that rustled my jimmies in the first place. That sort of chicanery gives me a pretty good guess about the reputability of the seller, and what else they might try to pull. Too close to MSRP to dish for that sort of

Wait...did they do a 4motion B5 Passat with a VR6? I thought these just came with the 1.8T or the W8... Either way, the condition doesn’t match the mileage. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K... ND

Admit it, the water obstacle is just to get laughs when the Teslas bumpers get ripped off...

It really speaks well of Michigan drivers that we’re doing so well on that list, considering how many more miles of road we have than any other state. Doubly so, when you see what people from elsewhere think of our driving (like our 85mph bumper to bumper traffic, in any weather conditions)...

They might’ve intended the boat to be past the jump, so the car was over the highest part of its rooster tail

That pistol looks an awful lot like the Ace of Spades...

As someone who has used, written code against, and administered Oracle over the years - it gives me a small measure of relief that the engine of Big Brother’s surveillance is run on such terrible software.

Shit like this is a major reason I just bought a car from Carvana...