
Do you want to become the David Tracy of motorcycle writers? Because that’s how you become the David Tracy of motorcycle writers...

It’s a Cadillac SVX, duh!

I can’t decide whether I want to watch a fever dream of a psychedelic movie in this style, or have it tattooed on me - but either way I’m digging it!

Too much to pay for a sculpture celebrating the mid life crises of the Boomer generation.

Totally different factory. These were made in a factory in Wisconsin, at a time when the US car manufacturers were utterly loathsome of foreign brands setting up shop, and standards weren’t the best to begin with. It would be another decade or more, before the Japanese brands had done enough damage to the bottom line

You’ve never seen one of the cars sold in this ad on a US road because every single one spends more time on a lift than on its tires. These were legendarily unreliable, and uncompelling econoboxes on their best day.

Actually, I voted ND because my parents had one, and I know how miserable, and unreliable these are.

Now playing

I don’t care how well loved or maintained this is, these were garbage, from the factory. My parents had one new, and it spent more time in the shop than it did in our driveway. When the shop manager showed us a lot with more fucked up cars waiting on service than they had on the new car lot, they walked away.

I’s not a terrible price for the mileage. It’s high, compared to other examples,’s still a lot of car for the price. Slightly hesitant NP, since I’d probably talk the seller down with a fist full of other craigslist ads for similar models with lower mileage. Even with the miles though, it seems

Totally agree. This is either a showpiece, or a racecar. Neither of which lends it to use as a vehicle you’d want to rely on... Any drag use, I’d imagine is more 1320 style than at a proper drag strip.

It’s all fun and games until you hit a puddle and destroy at least a turbo, maybe two, maybe the whole engine... ND

I just want one, really. The KTM Duke 200. I don’t care about the extra power in the bigger models. It’s a bike I’d buy because it looks amazing, and 29hp is more than enough to move me around and have some fun.

Yes please! I don’t even mind the imperfections and mismatches. This is the prettiest generation Esprit for barely more than I just paid for a Crosstrek.

Beats me. I sold off the affected Subaru back in 2015, so it’s not really an issue for me anymore, but when I called to schedule the “hey I just bought a Subaru, tell me everything that’s wrong with it” inspection for the Crosstrek Carvana is delivering today, that’s what the service writer told me. He said they still

Here is your “every time you post shaming owners for this recall” reminder that by and large, dealerships have not been given the parts in a timely manner, and people simply can not afford to go 6-12 months without a vehicle.

It’s been the de facto response to the Takata recall, for Jalopnik to blame the owners. Nevermind how many times we’ve had to remind them of things like both a Subaru and a Honda dealer telling me they wouldn’t have replacement parts for a while, and could we just not drive anywhere for 6-10 months.

When someone releases a smartwatch that isn’t shit, for less than my car payment, I’ll consider it. Honestly, the only features I care about are step tracking, and controlling my music without having to interact with my phone directly. If I could find a $20 Timex that did those two things on top of being a bog

Okay, so now that I’ve wiped off my screen (thanks for the laugh, I’m having a shit week and I needed it SO bad...Like the Bride forgave Bill...I fucking LOST IT)...

FTFY. David, only you and that dude out by Ann Arbor would buy a car like this to be a car. Nobody who buys this is going to want to spend as much money as a new WRX to restore it.

These were miserable little shitboxes when they were new, and they haven’t aged well - even when they aren’t poorly taken care of. This one is No Dice, even at LeMons price. There are literally thousands of better, safer, less shitty cars for this price. One too many zeroes in the price tag.