
Depends on which AWD system you get from Audi. Some are mostly FWD, some of them are full-time AWD...That’s the main reason I look to Subaru. I haven’t driven a part-time AWD system that didn’t piss me off. This Xi is full-time AWD, and I’ve always had a soft spot for the looks on the E46.

The price is higher than I’d like, but there are worse ways to make it to the slopes...If I was shopping for an AWD winter car, it’d be in this price range, and I’d definitely give this some consideration against the Subarus that would normally be the only brand on the list... 

Compromising morals and ethics in the name of having as loud and powerful a voice as possible is out of the right’s playbook. Progressives and leftists can’t let themselves stoop to that level. Evil shit is stopped by canceling people who perpetrate it - no matter who they are. If we let evil people do evil things

JKR’s use of her platform to spread and incite hate is causing real, measurable, and irreparable harm to the lives of people like myself. Is she allowed to believe those things? Sure. But as the saying goes, “your rights end at the tip of my nose”. You want to hate, that’s your business. You want to incite others to

That price reeks of someone trying recoup the restoration costs. At half this price it would be interesting, but I’d still trailer it anywhere I wanted to take it off-road, because in a crash with a late model Geo Metro, this thing wouldn’t come out on top...

As long as you keep the “Latest” option available, so we can have a version of the site that isn’t a UX fever nightmare, I could care less about the layout.

The prices are high because nobody’s buying, but nobody’s buying because the prices are high. At some point, the largest companies in the world need to cut people a break, not expect the governments of n different countries to do it for them.

Doesn’t saying that EV subsidies are that effective, essentially admit that EV prices are too high, and that people would buy them if they were at a more reasonable price point?

I wanna like it. Conceptually I love the car. I don’t love the price. This has a weird engine that’s a pain to maintain and work on. If it had the 1.8T (which also came with 4motion), I’d be more willing to consider it, but even then $6800 is pretty high. At $5000, it’d be a nice price with the 1.8T. With the W8....I

Touché. Still, for a car news site, it would be helpful it at least some of their remaining staff could relate to the news, and not just spit out articles about what’s so neat about the tail lights on a particular model of obscure Soviet baby buggy, made for 2 1/2 months in the winter of 1952...

First off, GAL, not guy.

Unfortunately, not all brands have an equivalent. I love when they do, but that’s sadly a rare thing...

Are you kidding me? Are you joking? Are you fucking serious with this, dude?

I gave it a nice price, but it’s not the 240 I’d look for. For someone looking for a clean one, this is a hell of a deal, if maaaybe a little high without the turbo. Me, I just want one for LeMons, so it’s not only way too expensive, but it’d be a sin for me to clap one this clean out for that use...

This is wholesome as heck, and just what I needed lately. Thanks for the share!

I’m gonna be playing my new guitar! I suppose that means I might be playing Rocksmith, but it seems to have issues with acoustic electrics, so probably not...

At least one too many digits in the price. Possibly two.

I don’t care where you grew up in America, you know you don’t use that word. That’s a chump-ass excuse. Nobody younger than 70 has any illusions that it’s a shitty, racist thing to say - even way out in the goddamn sticks.

Most major actors and actresses are probably required to back the CPP if they want to keep working.