
Still exists in a lot of the world!

Yup. I totally respect people who don't want pets. I'm NOT happy with people who are cruel to animals. And some people are genuinely not easy around animals. I have a friend who was savaged by a dog as a kid and he's nervous of everything. I can see that and sympathise with it. No amount of "oh but my dog is a

Yes. Exactly. Not all people want kids. (I do, but that's my own choice.) We need to stop demonising those who don't. We aren't on the Red list of endangered species.

Yes! I am a cat person, but my last cat was more dog than cat (23lb monster animal...not fat, just...vast.)

You don't have to like, but you do have to respect. And I say this as a cancer researcher who has used mice in her work. And has the UTMOST respect for those mousies.(And everlasting murine guilt,...)

Never feel bad, or guilty about not having kids, or wanting to have kids. The joy of empancipation is that now it is OUR CHOICE whether to do so or not.

Chimera! Adorable. He loves you. Already. And that's the beauty of the Dog. They give you true, total love. Cats (and I'm a cat person becuase my lifestyle wonöt let me have time to realy care for a dog) love you too...but there's always that "if I sit still long enough, they will eat me" thing...

I know this isn't exactly your point, but I'm a gonna get in here before the "you're sooo selfish if you don't breed" brigade turn up.

If you need pressure to work, you're doing it wrong ;) Do it in advance!

You know what? I actually don't mind the baby pics. Most of my friends are pretty relaxed types, and it's more "hey guys, here's us all having fun on our first rock climb/digging in the garden... how are you?"

I'm an expat now. I live in Sweden. It's interesting. The Tea is rubbish though ;) bad! Sorry..just trying to poke an edge of reality into things..(BM meaning..

Oh, also I have saved a small kid's life (maybe, who knows?) by intervening on a plane and whacking said small person on the back, removing obstructive item....

I try to be! I try to be the person someone wants to sit next to. Short female, educated in armrest ettiquette. Can do CPR or Heimlich if needed. Really, I'm a nice planemate. I try to just smile once when boarding, mutter "if you need to get past just say" then I try to be as contained and as decent as I can. I've

I do smile, and I do mean it. I'd never, ever dictate to parents (unless their kid was spitting into and pulling my hair, which alas has happened.) I give parents all the advatages but I'm not OK with having my hair spat in by 7 year olds....

Oh no...I never went to offer "hey I can deal with this " advice (can you imagine anything worse?" ) I just smiled at the parents with the howling babe in the queue for the loos.., said "oh, he's so cute.." The people around me were really getting a bit agressive at this (totes innocent) little cutie. I was in the

Ladies and gents. Let me give you a view from either side of ze aisle (or central passageway, as we pedants call it.) This is British ettiquette.

They do in the UK - if you want someone to be a BM you pay for the entire outfit.

I travel a LOT for work. I've travelled sick (not communicable!) I've traveled stressed. I try to maintain my "airport Zen" and it's rarely failed me.

hehe. yes, well don't feel bad. Most denizen of London wouldn't either..