Ska Delite

Agreed. Even Republicans are done pretending they are the party of “family values.” It’s already common knowledge that Trump cheated on his previous wives, not to mention other luminaries of the Republican party such as Gingrich or Giuliani.

Anybody who will be turned off by adultery has long since abandoned Trump. Don’t kid yourself. His base will look at this and high five themselves over the fact that he hooked up with a Playboy model.

Here’s the thing, I don’t care who fucks who. I care who’s going to do the job that needs to be done. Odds are that most every elected official in Washington has banged a secretary, an intern, or each other at one time or another. I don’t care. We’re all human.

I thought this was an established fact.

Lots of people are saying the baby said it wanted to be strangled in a locker room. Believe me.

To be honest, I also don’t care about Trump’s consensual affairs. We’d probably have to get rid of 99% of all politicians if we gave a shit about consensual affairs, particularly when the participants are smart enough to keep it all under wraps (unlike tweein’ Weiner).

Trump supporter: “Well, maybe he did strangle a baby but......emails!”

I am not sure! the poor guy was abandoned near my parents house (we tried to look for his owners) with no claws and very hungry and we adopted him. But I will look for British Shorthair´s! Thanks!!!

All the stars, take them. They’re yours.

Urinate bad mood tonight.

His dad is just here to give the American bootstraps the Pull-Ups they need.

Don Diaper.

Poor baby! This story just makes me want to give him a big huggie.

You, they say kids whose fathers didn’t give them enough Huggies turn out to be troubled later in life.

Why does this not have more stars?

Donald, Jr. is the most slappable son. Eric is the most “thrust a crucifix in his face and dispatch him with a wooden stake”-able son.

Don Jr. Is slappable. Eric is punchable.

What do you expect with these Pampered rich kids?

Donald Trump slapped his second-most slappable son, who was wearing a Yankees shirt at the time?