I’d say “whatever works” at this point, for all of us.
Misogyny? Or maybe it’s as simple as believing the “liberal” media that paints Clinton as a monster with cloven hooves despite there being nothing as yet that is actually lawless and bad? It’s a mystery.
If anyone thinks the ACA is responsible for increased premiums, they are a very special kind of stupid.
Out of curiosity, do Republican voters even realise that red states benefit more from Obamacare?
Here’s the thing- since 1992 MILLIONS of our tax dollars has been spent trying to dig up some dirt on Secretary Clinton, and NOTHING has stuck. They ain’t got shit on her after a 25+ year witch hunt. So you either have to assume that she is truly the most dastardly Machiavellian political mastermind in all of…
I can’t remember who said it but this quote has been pinging around my head for months: “Republicans run on a platform centered on the idea that Government doesn’t work. Then they get elected, and they prove it.”
I dream of the day Americans can claim some sort of refugee status from a system that basically wants them to die.
Good god. Is this fucking over yet. The totally willful ignorance and denial of facts is astounding. I’m having an anxiety attack just looking at what some distant relations are saying on social media. I think I’ll have to skip the annual Christmas get together this year, I just can’t face some of these people after…
I can’t take anymore of the Trumpkin and his rotting squash farts.
Anything for DQ, bruh
Better than the other son who looks like a space vampire that hasnt fed enough and cant stand up straight!
You don’t get boners if someone else does the beating.
can’t blame them. have you ever tried to get immigrant blood off of a silk tie?
Exactly. People with that kind of money hire someone to beat people to death with folding chairs for them.
Didn’t your parents ever take you down to Kmart for family photos? They have to sit really still and watch the birdie or they don’t get to go to Dairy Queen afterwards.
What a bunch of assholes. They have lived a lifetime filled with perfect caricatures of how douchebaggy they are.
Do these prep school pussies think they look tough or something with their hair gel and loafers?
The whole family has an expression that says “I just hired someone to beat an immigrant to death with a folding chair.”
The whole family has an expression that says “I just beat an immigrant to death with a folding chair.”