Ska Delite

Don’t rub it in. Not tonight, anyways.

I’m not letting “Women for Trump” off the hook for this.


Nope. Not my fault.

Seriously, what is up with NH?

Bush bailed out Wall Street

So then after America is really good and fucked, Obama will be long gone and they (and all their supporters) will have absolutely no one to blame but themselves. Then, Elizabeth Warren, 2020 and rebuild. (I’m still holding out hope but just in case).

Elizabeth Warren, 2020?

He’s no John King

Forgot to mention, his wife tapped her sticker and said quietly, “Well, I’m proud.”

I was standing by the nice “sticker lady” at the polling place waiting for my mom to finish voting when the couple we had been chatting with earlier were on their way out. He told the sticker lady “No I don’t want a sticker! I’m not proud of my vote today!”


Straight outta the 70's

Countless investigations ahead. Clinton redux for the Other Clinton. Really interested to see what Bill’s role will be although I think she said fixing “The Economy, Stupid!”

I’m not sure even Ted Nugent knows what he meant by that.

Smiling and politeness is one thing and I realize that is part of the job, but being fired, not for not smiling, but for not projecting a “genuine smile” is a bit much.

Needs more stars

I hate that. Because my personal life right now is sort of limited. It just makes me feel self-conscious to have to think of something to say without sounding like a complete loser.

Yes, where I live (the South, surprise!) Unions are practically non-existent. Our governor is openly hostile to them. The typical work environment is such that you can completely be doing your job, make no mistakes that you are aware of, be pleasant to all your co-workers and superiors, and get fired anyway on a