
I can't be the only one to say/think/write that you guys have the Tyrell siblings too low on the death pool. I can see neither one living past this season. Especially if, as shown in the previews, Jamie gets to lead their army. Oh and Tommen is going too. Cersei needs that prophecy to clean up.

I'm very late to this party but it's clear to me that Hannibal was keeping Abigail for Will: the gift for his friendship and allegiance to Hannibal. But once Hannibal caught the whiff of Freddie, he chose differently. Jack and Alana came but Hannibal wanted to gift will with Abigail or forgiveness. The others were

Dear lord please release this show with the score only and no dialogue.

Thank you. To all you said, except your generous grade.
I don't get the love from the more "respectable" papers.

Saw this last month during the Film Comment Selects at Lincoln Center. Wholeheartedly agree with this review. It's not the weird dread comedy I mind but that the thing felt incomplete and rushed (even with the CGI), which isn't this director's aesthetic at all.

Damn that reliable Mendelsohn typecasting. Trouble always follows when his face shows up. Otherwise, this is a "yes please. about time. thank you."

Where have you been? He's been killing 2012 and 2013.

A bunch of cinema classics seen on the big screen for the first time, for me, some restored: LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, THE GODFATHER, FRENCH CONNECTION, 3 WOMEN, NOSTALGIA (A.Tarkovsky)… Almost forgot CONTEMPT, and a slew of Ozu films.

The argument you make is only partly valid. Superman's ethos is to choose humanity - serving and saving it - over being an all-powerful god amongst men. So he's usually keeping collateral damage to a minimum in previous go-rounds. Sure, he's a newbie to Zod but the film gives no beat to Supes realizing the by-product

I don't know where you read about the sexual fetish - but both his wife and mistress shared a home together and influenced WW's creation. Yes there's S&M aspects but they were built - or at least justified - in creating a female compliment to Superman, based in fighting against patriarchial systems.

Except that little problem of Minka Kelly being the actress, you could be right.

Reading this, yes maybe they should've been both. And so yes, flashbacks would've ruined the horror/ghost momentum the plot was supposed to build. But seriously did you feel that MAY was more of a terror/tyrant as the climax came or simply a badass? And why give SKYE the kumbaya talks when that was sure to slow the

And so he's either smart enough or had enough time to locate the right set of cables to rip out — when he could've teleported into the cockpit — and yet still be insanely stupid enough to destroy the psychosocial world of his girl crush?

No the dollops of The Cavalry stories was to both correct SKYE's interpretation of MAY and, more importantly, give MAY her humaniziing (major subtext echo) in the climax. Flashbacks that illustrate each version of the story would've been more powerful to humanize MAY than the small talk on the plane; more expensive

Eloquent with lots of benefit-of-the-doubt thrown in there. Sure the MAY-GRANT fling was promising and now that MAY may loosen up ninja-fun-quiet style, more sexiness/sass may be in store. Maybe a real love triangle will blossom but I don't trust the writers at this point to balance that with the big overarching story.

I'm so late to this party I wonder if anyone - ANYONE - thought that TOBIAS being able to rip out some RANDOM CABLES caused the ship to, not run on alternate generator power (because why would a multibillion-dollar super spy airbus have that?) but to actually crash - was absolute bullshit?!

Nah I mean the show's city. All the world building AH is attempting to do and I don't recall what city Dorian and Kennex are fighting cyber-crime… Unless it's supposed be any random mid-21st-century metropolis.

I'm sorry - as I haven't watched this episode yet - but WHAT CITY are they supposed to be doing all this sci-fi cop stuff? Did I miss some big sign in the first two episodes?

Great comments. Thank goodness this series got better. The long game between TENZEN's family issues, MAKO role-playing Sherlock Holmes, KORRA being forced to get spiritual while her elders fight was a bit torturous. Clearly, the group dynamic is strongest in this series over A:tLA.

Thank you. I thought, when viewing this earlier this year at the Tribeca Film Festival, that I'd be rewarded by this ditty, when not only giving up my first, back row seat to a couple, but then my second, mid-row seat to none other than Kenneth Lonergan.