SJWs helped Trump get elected

But... but... but all good “progressives” know that it is impossible for blacks to qualify as being racist towards whites, because blacks have no power whatsoever, and are literally absolutely totally powerless to “back up their prejudice” or racially abuse and oppress whites in any way! Just look at how powerless


But Jezebel can’t help but label people by their colour any chance they get. Yet here she purposefully chooses not to say it

WTF? Peeps calling on #BLM to denounce. I CALL ON #BML to RESIST! How can MINOR POC CHILDREN commit HATE CRIMES? White people, not interested in your “opinions” here: sit down, shut up, and LISTEN.

Are you crybabies really going to kick me off after I told you about this story?

I could only imagine the vitriol if races were reversed.

True. Can’t deny that. Everything you said is true. But...

I love how she calls them individuals instead of black people.

Thank you for supporting the People who say that n!ggers are illiterate sub-human animals with no impulse-control and an average IQ of 89.

Everything about this story is gross.

People that annoy you - Randy Marsh

*Racist Torturers

Hey! 7 hours after I posted about it, Jezebel finally writes the most minimal thing possible.

I can tell by looking at them that they are probably rocket surgeons.

Is this #whitelivesmatter or #disabledlivesmatter?

Waiting for crowds of white people to loot liquor stores, weave stores, and block highways. Also waiting for Jesse Jackson’s statement on this how this is a deplorable hate crime and justice must be served.

I was reading about this last night where people had published stories 13 hours prior to that. So people have had this story up since at least noon yesterday, but Jezebel and Gizmodo Media only thought to comment on it after a day of people harping on them.

“and determinations as to whether the kidnapping and subsequent attacks were racially or politically motivated are currently being investigated by police”

“So how did we get from a sickening but isolated criminal event to an indictment of Black Lives Matter?”

the same way we/media let the remaining 5000 members of the KKK, in a population of 320,000,000 represent all white people/Trump voters this election season. anyone remember “the deplorables” and how most of the

Jezebel - this media group’s news reporting website now - has still to publish anything on the topic. The first mention of it came on Gizmodo for some reason, at 10:30am, which is I don’t even know how many hours after it became nationally aware. It’s not the top story on Buzzfeed, which any minor Trump story or