
Yeah, last year we had a news report about a single car crash, "all 5 occupants were killed". I immediately know this was an old car. When details were released a day later, it turned out to be a 50s Cadillac.

Yes to that. But the sketch is really on the simple side. I'm ready for more.

Norwegian here, only the most depleted Leaf batteries are attainable here, at about 15 kWh capacity. That’s less than half a day in our electricity-intensive environment, more in the US. It would be beneficial nonetheless to charge it with cheap night power *if* the control stuff wasn't so wildly expensive and

Now playing

About the PV544/444: Dealers in the New York region that were frustrated with selling these - they never came in for repairs - started destroying one publicly. They went about with hammers and axes and really let their frustration run free. When they were done, one of them joked that it would probably start - and it

All this family talk might be piggybacking a certain film series...

Suspiciously well-placed RedBull hood for those heli shots. I guess they could fly.

But it's infinitely worse if they turn out to be correct in two years time, right?

Great list, but I think BaT has just taken off to be the weirdest place with lots of self-congratulatory commenters and so many flush people, it sometimes feels like a different planet. Personally, I still visit for the good stories and odd trivia, but you have to scroll a lot to find it. And 80% Porsche front pages

There is a law that requires you to remove the snow from the sidewalk in front of your house, at least.

The exterior is honestly just an entertaining, somewhat coherent, possibly sarcastic statement on luxury tropes. That interior though...holy smokes! Cannot be unseen, unfortunately. 

It’s a slide show where the sales numbers don't even match (global/US only). Don't expect them to spend more than mere minutes in their research chambers.

Yeah, we had this news here in Norway today, too, with 5G well established in all major cities. General public reacts with surprise that the anti-science mah guns no rona fools seem to be having airline C-jobs.

Can the penalties please include some slapping? I could accept the terrible "oh no"-Tic Toc song as a concession for psychological

But ... all the Tesla taxi owners I talked to have gotten the "lifetime free quick charger"-deal from Tesla. A loophole, sort of, if the car is used commercially. But they all report they don't need to hire a second driver for their car, because the fuel cost has been zeroed. Which also explains the quick depletion of

When this popped up on Reddit, a railworker commented that they now weld shut their carriages. It’s insane. The sense of apocalypse one can wring out of this is overwhelming.

Garbage producing fads, ugh. Also weird choice to call something "Earth-" anything, then mount it on a America-only, super wasteful chassis. Why not use a more space- and fuel-efficient Japanese rig, something that is sold, used and can be fixed all around the world?

Norway had rules for the lights to come on as long as the engine is running. EU laws were given priority at some point, which was a step back: Now I see occasional cars with no lights, or no rear lights. That’s unsafe in a lot of ways - where I live, 32 km of a 100 km stretch go in tunnels. Makes no sense to ever have

There are a lot of choices for new battery packs already - most are expensive though. Depending on where you live, the non-cooled aspect need not be a dealbreaker. Here in cold Norway, these batteries hold up just fine. But our government is writing bizarre rules; while new EV sales are subsidized to ridicul-o-levels,

Now this easily lift it to where you want to housify it, you’ll need one of those leftover giant Soviet helicopters that can lift whatever, you’ll need an offroad truck to get to that mountain top plane chateau, ah, a plow, and a forestry machine would be nice ... what was the topic again?

Awful doing this to a rare V8, but if the engine says NO to all attempts at revival, get a used Leaf, too, fuse them, sell leftover parts, and drive the coolest Mercedes EV out there at super low cost. NP.