
Fair point. Forgot to mention that these placques were for a 1977 242. So even good cars made 45 years ago could quite effortlessly get there.

Try something not made in America. 100k miles is nothing.

Early ‘00s, late winter, in my ‘77 Volvo 242, high up in the mountains of Norway. Arriving late after work, I was looking for a place to park the car, then hike to a spot to set up my tent. Coming around a corner, a herd of reindeer just stands on the road. The road is ice. I somehow managed to brake, correct, brake,

Haha, I know, and he seems do be doing surprisingly well, tbh. You’d think there were more meltdowns when you first read up on US infrastructure. Same goes for a lot of what we rely on here, like 100+ year old water pipes.

Ha, another Norwegian. We use insane amounts of electricity in this country, which is mostly hydropower. That might explain some of the following numbers, but our entire EV car park of about 300k vehicles, in a nation of 6 million, consumed just 0.5% of our electricity production:

Oslo municipality had to charge their EV busses with diesel aggregats in 2019. Looked foolish, even though it obviously was a temporary solution:

Are you implying it will be LEGENDary?

I can’t watch the landing video without dropping a few uncontrolled tears of joy. Go!, humanity.

This is a very good answer, and it also reflects the eternal need for base payments instead of fully commission based incentives.

I always wonder how that attitude came into being. Aggressive, ugly, racist behaviour like that helps exactly no one. It is not in the interest of the customer, the dealership, or corporate. So where does it come from and how did end up as being so common?

Hm, Ford is the only American manufacturer making reliable cars?

Man, you focus on mainstream and vaporwave brands, but the in-between is missing. Aren’t Chinese companies making attempts at the US market? Here in Norway, we are getting ten - 10 - new Chinese brands over a two year time frame starting last year. I am already used to seeing a few of them; super successful MG, X Peng

Obvious winner is obvious. 

Why doesn't it

So has someone figured out the Volvo and Honda rating yet? Just customers with very high expectations? Or a real problem?

I turn off all the convenience crap once I get a new car. The two most annoying things are a tie:

The stories are insane and therefore VERY interesting content. Good stuff. But WHY THE DAMN FORK do you post them as hardly readable screenshots with teeny tiny font? Damn, I had to squint. And I already use Opera for Android, breaking up the stupid slideshow to a proper website.

That is an amzing deal. We never got those discounts in Scandinavia. New SAAB were sold at almost full price until the end. But their used prices tumbled fairly quickly. I live in a working class area and the '10s saw a huge influx of used 9-5 wagons and slightly tired 9-3s here.

Great stories. But the dealer is called "West German BMW"? Damn, you ever look for their obscure counterpart, "East German EMW"?

I wonder if any Honda/Toyota/Kia/Hyundai sales person has played that shenanigan. At GM, customers will tend to believe the craplosion-concept.