Slammed SAAB dealership buying you dinner...what's your address? 123 Paradise Lane, Perfectville, Makesensistan?
Slammed SAAB dealership buying you dinner...what's your address? 123 Paradise Lane, Perfectville, Makesensistan?
The wig wagging is surprisingly intense. How about mechanical wear’n’tear, not to speak of all the trouble associated with vacuum lines? It’s lovely looking and does make sense, safety-wise, but I can’t imagine them working for a long time.
Can I wager these guys keep their hard hats on when driving the Jeep, too? Sometimes, it is baffling to see the total lack of protection older cars afforded.
I guess a RAM plays a gunshot sound?
What I meant was that it looks like the old vehicle in new clothes. <insert three exclamation marks> It is a smart move by Mitsubishi, I guess, because it will keep development cost down to not start too fresh.
Funny, I feel it is too much like the outgoing model, in fact, all the proportions and basic "face" geometry look very similar.
I live in the countryside, but my commute is only 23 km one way, my wife's 5 km. Our Leaf has a maximum range of 70-90 km (winter-summer). More than enough for daily chores. We have two fossil burners for other drives and purposes.
True that. Both my classic collectible (2003 Centennial JS350) and my little daily (2015 Hyundai i20) are, in fact, Korean cars already. Only our EV is still Japanese.
Funny how the Bentley has always looked like a chunky clown car, getting worse with the facelift. While Genesis has actual modern ideas baked into its design; it looks cutting edge, sharp, interesting. It's quite fresh and still recognizable as a luxury SUV, and definitely fits in the Genesis lineup. Growing up, I’d…
My 2012 just took less than 6 kWh after an hour of ChadeMo. Never seen anything like it. -13°C here. I just wanted to heat the battery.
I am most concerned about how he removed that EVSE safely...
Thanks! But 25-32 mpg in the city, with depleted batteries, seems optimistic to me. That's a big "vanimal".
Why do people always struggle to actually read Bradley's articles? Are there some English nuances that I, as a foreigner, don't pick up? He clearly states that this is fuel consumption in city driving conditions, not an average.
Don't you at least need to change the front light reflectors so that they are adapted to right-side-driving?
My car btw, a 2003 Centennial JS350. A fake Century, and a lovely ride.
Do more “?” make a demand dressed as a question more powerful?
Underrated comment.
Now that he Robinhood app blocked the option to purchase GME stock for US users, we are looking at outright market manipulation and there will be a follow-up. Expect a class action suit and some political involvement.
The only kind of lube Harley Davidson owners get to see.