
Kinja keeps coming up with ways to keep traffic down. Autoplay videos over videos you actually want to see, nagging "subscribe to our newsletter"-overlays like it's 1999, and the comment section remains such a mess, you won't find, read, or chat with people you like unless you invest hours and hundreds of clicks. Meh.

Gonna be watching this later today, thanks a lot for sharing!

That is exactly what I am planning to do. The 700$ used charger arrived yesterday, rear seat is half-out, waiting for a friend’s lift to be available though. The cooling line on the used part was very hard to plug off though; hoping mine sits a little easier.

Just be aware that the on-board-charger is an Achilles heel. They are breaking en masse here in Norway. It's two condensators for 8$ total, but nobody repairs this stuff. I can't. So it is being replaced with used parts (just paid 700$ myself) or you can go to a Nissan dealer and they'll quote you 4000$. Not kidding.

Excellent choice! You’d think with all the praise they get on Jalopnik, its writers won’t forget them once theory turns into practice.

Financial advice geek identified.

This is the correct answer. He could half his fuel bill!

Oh, the used car market does know how to judge VW. A Golf and an Auris don’t even compare, pricewise. My Honda Stream was 50% more expensive than an equal VW Touran (or Opel Zafira), but doubtlessly at least twice as good. A bargain, really. We also have a regulated labour market, so working hours are expensive. VW's

That is the best and most consistent explanation I have seen. We're in BKK's realm, btw, just East of Bergen. Of course we do differently!

The Model 3 was the most sold car for a while. Find the latest numbers here:

Comment from Norway here; Against all real-world evidence, Volkswagen is considered a reliable quality brand. The Golf is very successful, too. Honda is, oddly, the pensioner’s brand bar none. They have the lowest insurance rates of all brands, being driven short distances, and carefully; Hondas make splendid used

My Leaf looked better when I replaced the obnoxious “zero emission”-badges with “TDI”:

Flip phone and a ‘95 RWD Volvo? Hum.

You’re not wrong, but it has been reported that Volvo Gothenburg has retained a lot of development authonomy. I live in Norway and remember the hiring spree when Geely bought Volvo: Finding 500 new engineers in Scandinavia isn’t the easiest task, and it also affected our oil industry’s hiring.

All the more surprising that the Volvo didn't pass the test either. If any carmaker has moose test requirements hardwired into their development DNA, this is it.

That was the filthiest cabin filter I have ever seen. They go black after a winter here, too. I change them yearly, as they cost <10$ from China and are easily accessible in almost all cars. But I've never seen one as clogged as yours. You might check the air intake, too, and clean the housing with a chlorine-based

Newest car: I just changed the air filter on my 2003 Centennial.

Cheers to the F1 moneymaking machine, "video not available in your location". Sometimes, it sucks to live on Uranus.

Reading about that from Europe has always baffled me. I consider myself a somewhat rational guy, but I am also cheap. Without inspections, I am pretty sure my lazy ass would postpone necessary stuff until it becomes dangerous, or even not discover issues that are about to turn into hazards.

Kinja do as Kinja does, putting a video I don't want to see above the video I came here for.