
You are Negative, indeed.

Volvo’s fantastic I6 was a transverse engine in the S80 and it worked fine:

30 minutes with an ozone cleaner, or just parking your car in the hot Arabian sun, will fix that.

Advice on how to spend 200+ k dollars correctly if you identify as a 16 cylinder nerd - hitting Jnik's core audience right in the wallet. Consumer advice, appreciated!

If it weren’t for the rust issues, I would have owned a Mazda 5 instead of a Honda Stream in the time we had kids who needed a minivan. But, imho, some of their worst performing cars rustwise - rustthroughs in two years and such - were built during their Ford period.

You know, most people have that thought, realize what you posted, then move on. Some people seem to omit the part that involves THINKING and just go straight to the post-button.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing! I guess this is a policy unique to the US importer? Here in Norway, I have never heard of that. Basically every car here has its brakes replaced due to rust on warranty here. Colleagues driving Mazda were no different. Highly anecdotal though.

You make it impossible not to ask WHY? Especially since Mazda, approaching its centennial, has been putting out lots of nice cars over the last ten years.

I mean, it is obvious that something went wrong when Honda, which has a reputation to take care of, partners up with GM, the Lada of the Western hemisphere. Personally, I never spent a thought on Honda hybrids, but I’d definitely read an inside report on what went wrong, how it did so, and what was done (or not) to

Amazing. Especially the "religious decal". Great laughs!

Exactly, it's just a variation of those cheap luring headlines we all see on Facebook: "You won't believe what Ford is bringing back [pic of Mach 1]", "The Mach 1 is back and here is how", and...headline above. Not good. I see that the same writing style has reached my physical newspaper and it makes my toenails roll

If this just would look a little less like a toy...and more like a Crown or Century.

Now, turn that into a full article pls.

I owned a 2002 Stream for seven years. The seats were not good for long drives, making me intuitively bent forward. My back was too long for them. Earlier, I have owned Volvos, who everyone knows have industry-leading seats. The difference is huge. Nonetheless, I don't think they were horrible enough to not buy a

This is a black swan. It is easy to think that too much money and garish taste go hand in hand. But this is a hunting vehicle you can actually be seen in, without screaming to its surroundings that you don’t know how to use up your 100k-on-toys-quota this week.

It’s very hard to balance that, either way. Even in the “special” clip above, they explain what a turbo is, in the simplest turns possible. this a show for car people (who already know that), or isn’t it? For the latter, they’d be hard pressed to get the significance of what they’re watching about the “Viper’s

Dude, I got just the right car for you:

Dunno, it's good work, but the internet commentariat will shout BORING one way, and TOO BUSY the other. I like that Honda is making a wild Civic. At least it doesn't have a whale mouth.

I was already done with games and had basically started my grown-up life when a friend brought me a copy of the then fresh Split/Second. It was amazing, played it all the way through on a Dell XPS 1530. Good times, thanks for the reminder!

A GM designer famously said that they wanted owners to replace cars yearly. When people in the mid-50s started buying new cars every three years, they figured they were almost there. Quality has slid ever since.