Haha, the Lada of the Americas is at it again. Never change, FCA.
Haha, the Lada of the Americas is at it again. Never change, FCA.
You can call this article a success for everyone who now considers getting a Mehari to do firewood/roam the local beaches/live a life of glorious car abuse.
This non-acceptance is a rational reaction to people who spend multiple average yearly salaries on creating traffic jams and violent visual clutter whereever they go. The environmental aspect of this rig and, additionally, getting a house-sized trailer is insane.
That’s insane from every possible angle. Yes, some people may need a commercial truck in their lifes, but this is way beyond rational. Also noticing how none of the photos shows a person for size reference. That “37 stories grille” is a travesty.
90k on the same motor? Yowza! That's almost like a...1950s Volvo.
Alas, stupid is the new human.
Poor vehicles, grossly overpriced. No wonder FCA has been removing every hint of rational car eesign from their lineup...except for their vans. Weird demand creates a weird market.
It's not a fresh Frontier.
Cool tech, but the illustration here is essentially about pulling a wheeled house with a truck the size of a commercial goods hauler. Where will this end? It's obscene.
Not giving customers what they want is the ESSENCE of luxury. Why could Ferrari demand so insane prices? Because Enzo realized that by building a few cars less than demand, he created a rare luxury good. And if OEMs don't build tacky sh!t, tacky sh!t won't get sold either. Simple.
How is the most Jalop answer not top-starred. The internet is letting you down.
Rest assured, Lexus will beat them all with a rising-middlefinger-hologram waving out of a whaleshark-inspired front grille. Oh, how I miss the good old days of restrained and sensible luxury.
Choosing the mint Nissan President as the head image...you know your crowd! Guess it's headed to BaT in 2-8 seconds.
My neighbour bought a simple Chinese tractor for next to nothing a decade ago, mostly out of curiosity. It’s very small, but otherwise conventional looking. It rusted everywhere instantly. It is geared such that you can go insanely fast - about 60 km/h, he claims - very easily, so it’s a sort of personal transport…
After sleeping in my Honda a night at -26°C (I was prepared and equipped), I lost coolant somewhere pretty quickly. But I didn’t find a leak. Was worried that it might get burned. Some of the good lads at the Hooniverse suggested to try fixing it with radiator concrete. Would you believe that this voodoo trick actually…
Speaking for myself here, I am no fanatic. I have had worn out Volvos myself. They are only machines, but easily repairable ones. And the almost Soviet approach of “works as long as you don’t fuel sand” is very endearing, but it basically stops around 1994.
This is a good choice. Designing process must have included sneezing on wet ink, not caring to straighten up the resulting mess of lines.
That was a surprising choice.