
I tried to test drive a Niva in Berlin last year. Turns out, Lada dealers don’t offer test drives (poor commissions, only 30 day expected turnover instead of industry standard 90 days, no help or info from Lada in Russia). But I saw the Taiga, a pimped Niva/4x4. And he dealer told me that Niva buyers, by and large,

It's been a while since a random online pic made me laugh out loud. This one is fantastic.

That is one exceptionally well-written comment. And thanks for talking politics articulately, based on facts and real life events. I want to live in that world.

Now, 500 hp in something smaller on the other hand...mind you, though, it's only the US that does this, and the country has even worse issues. But they have also been there before and crashed real hard, so history just repeats itself. A new malaise era is coming, better enjoy the current excesses.

The WRX license plate is a neat touch.

Sir, would you mind to come with us, please?

Peaches seem less orange and attractive due to POTUS' extreme orangeness. Therefore, peach sales are in decline, but hamberders are up.

I am proud when Google offers me a pregnancy test in Danish, being a Norwegian man. Skynet is still a fair bit off.

In Berlin, Germany, hailing a cab by app is that fast, simple, and even discounted compared to wave with your arms at random. But it certainly took the (now outlawed) competition to get this innovation going.

But...can you "test" this monster without ever taking it to a track? If there ever was a vehicle which rightmost pedal needed a full compression for giggles, this is it. Even if you go round and round and your main prep is putting diapers on, this should be where the [insert insanely long name] should feel at home? Or

I don’t get the American sales model at all. Why fill dealer lots with cars no one wants, like a Soviet planning economy? So much more efficient to just build cars to customer spec, like in Europe, ain’t it?

I don't understand why it matters so much to Americans that cars are made in the US. GM, Chrysler and, to some extent, Ford have for decades been going the cheaper, cheaper, cheaper route. Customers know that: Get a cheap American crapcan, or a competitively priced, good Asian car. Then there are some brands who

I live in Europe, we have governments and a functioning society here. That's why I am asking. Sounds like Nepal or some other poor country with difficult geography...or is it the US?

5 hour walks shortened to 2 hours? Are you in Nepal?

Now that's one enthusiastic salesman, Mr Sherp USA.

Ah, thx! I met a lawyer from Bishkek on the plane home once and he explained it all a bit differently, said there was a huge influx of favourably priced JDMs once the Kazakh ban occured.

I have troubles loading the pictures, and the comments are gone, but here’s a good post on that:

Stickers like that are strangely common in Russia. Guys even wear that logo on t-shirts.

More of this please, fantastic!

Hm, can't tell who claims the original shot. Someone help.