
The .gif above shows a two lane road so wide, this must be an alternative Britain.

Awesome, wonderful road trip. But good luck getting 98 fuel in Norway...More than 90% of gas stations stopped selling that quality fuel a few years ago.

Yeah, I like it, too, it’s just so incredibly ugly.

Yes, the interior is horrible, I agree. From the outside though...what a massive step up from earlier cars. And I normally defend logical, pragmatic design.

Suzuki’s designers are killing it. They went from ugly utilitarianism to chic utilitarianism quite quickly.

After reunification my communist uncle replaced his Moskovich with a Yugo Florida. He had it for a couple of years, and I think it played a major role in slowly curing his political conviction. My other uncle, a liberal in the real, not American sense, got a used Kadett, known as Pontiac LeMans and still built as a

My mom bought the related Kia Shuma new when I was a teenager. At that time, I convinced friend’s families to buy Volvos - I bend away four parents from Mercedes, and two from Volkswagen. Earned me a weekend job at the local Volvo dealer, and I eventually became the only 18 year old in town that could test drive

That would be a “Frontblende”.

Nice article, but why do we need to scroll down three full pages before fill gets replaced by content?

That spare wheel mount...that’s quite the one-upper.

In Central Asia, the RAV4 carries a stigma as the car for the mistress and/or second wife. Odd, you say? Most definitely!


“Trim is mostly complete. It is also of structural importance.”

Early OBD systems were made to display their codes right where they sat:

This is what happens when you put 12 year olds in charge of product development.

Today’s BMW makes a hundred cars that are looking the same. If they think the only change they can do now to get noticed is a change to their ancient common front fascia, we might as well say they have jumped the shark.

The PRV engine was supposed to be a V8. Enter the oil crisis, two cylindres slashed, and one of car history’s oddest mass produced V6's was born. Found in cars like the Volvo 260, Renault Safrane, deLorean DMC-12.

Funny how you compare Cadillac to Volvo. In brand building, embracing who you are and where you come from is key. Not just cars, but in everything: Show confidence. Volvo did that after 1 1/2 desastrous decades of chasing BMW. They made a decision to only build and offer I4's, focus on interior quality, and families.

We have a 35 degree steep driveway - technically a danger zone for avalanches (30+ degrees). It’s long, too, and hard to get into. So no stretch limousines or cars with eco-programmed engines (like 30% less power when cold) or long first gears.

Butthorns and -wings are out, here comes the buttstache!