
You haven’t seen Mission Impossible, sponsored by the USB port industry.

This was actually featured in my newspaper the other day, too. You know, actual paper with news in it.


I saw my leaders being ferried around in these. Forever inspired. Also, my wife veto’d this when we decided we need a seven seater and I said: “I have just the right car in mind!”...

Very nice! A couple of years ago I tried to make a t-shirt with a similar cartoon style Volvo out of an ad, but failed. Do you know of a tutorial explaining how to get there from a random image? Or did you draw/design it from scratch?

Notice how the Volvo is the only car without a solid metal skid plate up front?

Wait, did you just make that?

I’m not so sure. Here in Norway and also in Germany, the engine’s place of origin, it’s really hard to find fans. The 240 is about a practical shell, good seats, homey looks - but also torquey, unkillable engines.

There will be some restructuring and the engine is now being fueled with anger.

They are currently filming in Norway:

I ctrl+f’ed, wrote “Volvo”, found nothing, left satisfied.

That sounds like a mad scientist’s solution, but I’m all ears!

The commercial diesel from the VW LT is a lousy engine. Loud, agrarian, not that reliable, not particularly frugal either.

That’s what I thought from looking at photos of it. Saw it in the wild on thursday and it is actually a very neat design. More so that I think the front is a bit uninspired in order to match the rear.

So...they’ve abandoned the worldly concept of pushing a cheap car around a course for jumps in an inattainable, souped-up hipster car? Yet they retain a name that doesn’t make any sense now?

Agreed. We could have said “we buy American as a way to pay for protection”*, and it would have made sense. A mock competition is just...lousy.

If you go from a car designed in Ingolstadt to one thought up in Köln, you’ll be fine. Statistics show the Ford is potentially more reliable even.

This is the equivalent of using Comic Sans on a job presentation. Ridiculous concepts!

How do the tiny tires even survive the length of the video?