
Are you aware of the car blog showing some sort of irrelevant ad for belts, keychains or poop scoops in every other spot now? The mobile view is hurtful, because the ads load themselves in after the true content arrives - resulting in a very jerky visual, and totally crapped digital ergonomics.

Are you aware of the car blog showing some sort of irrelevant ad for belts, keychains or poop scoops in

The true spirit of the internet thanks you.


Small heads make big decisions?

This is traumatizing. “Selection of the fittest” comes to mind, in the harshest possible way. I’ve encountered motorists going way too fast in the fog - unfortunately, it is the vast majority of them.

C’mon, it’s not that hard. Like in any driving condition, you should slow down to a speed that allows you to come to a full stop when obstacles occur in your vision. In dense fog, on ice, and, occasionally, on a thick layer of fall leaves, that means going very slow.

I’m inclined to say, yes, thank you. Great ad, very much to the point, and more restrained than one would expect from a company called “Fiberfab”.

That’s marketing heaven. I can hear the high fives through the weed smoke all over here.

Didn’t Top Gear quote Volvo’s research on Audi’s first LED lights, touted as saving the planet? The Swedes basically said, well, the energy saved is so marginal, we have trouble measuring it?

Hyperbole dispenser - emptied.

True. I’d expect some sort of step in from Chinese overcapacity right now - if their steel production can satisfy Japan’s wanted quality.

Lean production with just one steel supplier seems adventurous.

But...will it burn?

Hm. The market for what I’d tend to hold out for seems to have exploded already. Here’s a 1999 Volvo V70R for 25000€. Jepp.

I put up my wipers all the time. Have them freeze onto the window a couple of times and the rubber is dead. I have never owned a car with a defroster powerful enough to avoid scraping, neither have I had cars with cabin warmers. Electrical engine warmers are very common in Scandinavia, but people are allowed to freeze

Now playing

The Swedish, and indeed Scandinavian, mentality is always to think safety first. So it’s not weird how Volvo and SAAB managed to incorporate that into cars from the beginning. The effort put into this area was outsized, and Volvo’s state-of-the-art safety center in Gothenburg was said to be a main reason for Ford’s

And THAT, too.

What is interesting with these vintage ads is that the cars are quite often parked in pretty strange and inconvenient spots. I’d leave that ‘vert parked on the grass and walk onto the pier...

I can’t fathom how one would buy any car, and especially an old one, without proper inspection and testing.

I don’t understand this. For all the work Mercedes might be doing, it takes me one look and one second to think: “Navarra”. It’s the GM-sickness of rebadging. The Saab 900/9-3 might have been an ok car, but in the end, people thought they’d rather not overpay for an Opel Vectra. Why would Mercedes and/or truck