
Yes and no. It’s a country of silver wagons and, currently, the Golf is back on top. But there have been som gems.

I take your Jag and raise you a golden Swedish tank. Keep the change.

There are no easy solutions. But firing up under extremism by incompetence isn’t a good one.

Back in 2008, Nissan showed the world its “Eco Pedal,” which pushed back against a driver’s foot when they accelerated too quickly. The goal of that pedal was to help drivers improve their driving habits and achieve better fuel economy.

Couldn’t agree more! Opel is almost dead in Norway, due to GM’s strenuous and consistent efforts to deliver cars that won’t even survived the warranty period in harsh northern climates. The 240 also became the most popular car in the country for a long time - it was an expensive car at first, but prices came down

Cool! Never knew about the carb window - was that useful for adjustments? Or just a gimmick?

Worse - in numbers and effect - is the mess left behind in the middle East and elsewhere. It’s already biting back, and will continue to do so for a long time.

This Dyno Defeat Algorithm (DDA™) is in need of further development.

The 929 wasn’t completely unloved - it was a huge hit in Scandinavia. Even in 1982, it was a solid nr5 in Norway:

Haha, agreed! I can’t come up with a RHD country that seems like a good fit for the Mustang. Actually, can’t come up with any country outside NA that’s a good fit for it...but kudos to Ford for trying! It’s an icon nonetheless.

In the UK, yes - and then there’s India, too.

Dude with the parasol does not have his eyes on the car.

Excessive use of force.

The Landcruiser is one of my favourite classics. They offered them with Mohair seats instead of Nylon, too. Almost bought an orange/brown one once, that I couldn’t afford.

“Mule camo” - to attract even more attention.

This is just so hard to believe. Rulers of the world, inventers of digital era, gods of capitalism.

Now that is simple. Witness what a Norwegian did to save his Passat this week: Holding on to the roof of his car, in his undies, at -17°C while the vehicle is moving at 90kph. Tough.

Well, on the behalf of the riders, this is just natural selection.

Early winter 2005, I drove over the mountains to visit some friends on a “white road” - ice and snow - in an area without road salt. Going an easy 70kph, everything is fine. Until I see a white wall, and then again, and the car shakes. Shortly thereafter, I realize that I somehow did an unprovoked 360 on ice, at