
I’m the dick that gets out of the car in a traffic jam, knocks on the glass, and asks: “Do you want to borrow this?”:

Prices for the Volvo 1800-series have been taking off for years. You can almost add 100$ for every month that has passed for 3-5 years for good specimen. That’s not to talk about the true gem in the series, the 1800ES shooting brake. Hottest car ever made.

I’m currently paying 5.59$/gallon here in Norway - and that is pretty cheap, 20% below the peak two years ago, when our currency was 50% stronger against the dollar. It’s wild to think about, having in mind that it is the exact same product.

That’s a very long way off this one...

The instrument cluster in my Honda failed. The clerk was very nice, and when I mailed her if I could fit a Civic cluster to my Stream, she returned a screenshot of the partsnumber that also reveals the price:

Never thought about it before, but these cars had automated record players and changers? How would that work with the car moving and hitting obstacles - isn’t a record player fairly sensitive to that? How was it’s shockabsorbing setup?

Read that comment you comment again and dous all a favour with a solid facepalm.

This is a great ad. Sums up much of what these cars still stand for today.

Bad business.

How much did Monster pay for that top shot?

Now playing

Dream job, fantastic truck! I’d like a Volvo TP21/Sugga prepared like that. Here’s a German Chevy-powered TP21, a bit crude, but cool enough anyway:

Applied minds.

I’m not exactly greying yet, or maybe I am, but I can remember when three digit hp were considered a lot - at least here in Europe. To me, a 200hp engine found wanting sounds like an incredibly strange perspective. Especially when you can buy it for what is less than an average of three months working salary in my

Excellent! I knew I had seen this before...

Wonderful and so incredibly is fascinating how some of these cars with just one front light still remain road legal.

What a very convenient assumption that there are only two luxury carmakers. This is comparative advertising that is actually a wee bit too cozy.

Looks like that brand new Lexus (who remembers their acronyms?) and a Mazda 6 had a really hot night, and sort of melted away in sharp love.

+ a male chicken?

Every exterior angle shouts “XC90!” to me. Basic shape, proportions, design cues and placements of lights etc. Can’t unsee it. But the hood and lights have a sprinkling of Defender on them, too, yes.

Agreed! It’s a beautiful Kia, but it was an XC90 first. What a blatant ripoff.