
AND IT’S NOT EVEN AWD!!!11!!!1!!

Who doesn’t? It’s the GAZ 24 in a special version. The super rare GAZ 24 V8 is colloquially known as the “interceptor”.

Same with an acquaintance of mine. When we went to the, that’s 4-5 years ago. Anyway, he had a Volvo V50, I had a Volvo 240. While I went all in on the last stretch of 10km with gravel, jumping, scratching some bushes with the backend etc., he came around the corners grannystyle after we had

Etc etc

Here in Norway, SUVs and lifted wagons are becoming more and more popular, transforming a wagon-and-estate-country. Ground clearance has become an issue since modern wagons are build lower and lower - 2 out of 3 Norwegian families own a cabin, and they need to get there somehow. So in order to be able to drive on

This has worked before.

Looks like Marvel & co. can use this as a villain car straight off the line.


Conservative and pretty. Might hit a note.

This is just odd. Even with two kids in the backseat, my parents used to drive 1200km to Italy or 10 hours to Paris in one go when we lived in Germany. When I’m on my own, I basically just stop for fuel. And try to sell your theory to travelling salesman who have to cover a large area with few customers, who often

“Whatever Buick does end up showing at the Detroit Auto Show, there’s no doubt that it’s a part of the manufacturer’s plan to change sales numbers”

True, I’m not in doubt. It’s on every second corner here in Norway* already; best 7 seater in the market.

I really love this series. There hasn’t been one lead photo that didn’t make me click on it. And then I find out it’s some sort of absurd story about malaise compacts. Hilarious!

So when the “X” comes first, sales might explode? Appears to be working:

Granny’s never going to learn that and your teenage neighbour boy will hack the camera just when you think you and you’re wife are alone.

Reminds me of the “economy” light on ancient Toyota’s, that would be turned off by too much pressure on the accelerator. Or the Volvo 164's accelerator, that got double as stiff about halfway, in order to educate the driver not to accelerate too much. Less fishy than Mini’s exercise, at least.

Exotic in their simplicity seen from across the pond.

I always thought that was a parental-education-tool only.

Just digged up this image of a safety fix™ I did on my former 1971 Volvo 145: The blinker reflector had gone dull. Nothing a bit of kitchen aluminium foil can’t fix. I guess any regulator would be proud.

Brow truck? Brosh vehicle? Broperman?