Bloodbuzz Bunk

So I love the little hints the show gives about how Nora and Kevin aren't being totally honest with each other.

Talking about Big Dave here( Just for context I'm a Big Dave OG because as a middle schooler I worked at chores to save $40 and begged my folks for rest of the money to order my only Wrestlemania because I NEEDED to see Batista win the title)

In most ways it does imo. There was no stupid macguffin to chase after( or to set up for an infinity war movie we have been waiting on for 5+ years). Every character got some character moments that tied back into the central thematic story of the movie. The villain is an inspired take on a character. The central plot

It's also clever directing/writing because it hides a limited actor's range and protects the character.

Exactly people who saying this movie is boilerplate marvel are perplexing me( especially when they say the first one isn't). The first film had Thanos, infinity stones, and an intergalactic agency to put a stamp of approval on this band of rogues.

Awesome movie that I believe is genuinely better than the first.

That's 100% correct imo. It's either " People say I'm dumb for liking a dumb president/candidate but I'm not dumb because I'm me and Trump is rich so he isn't dumb" or "I may not be the smartest but I don't like feeling inadequate so this dumber president relates to me personally which makes me take any criticism

The serious injury is funny to us smarks but it helps the feud and Owens.

For the life of me I don't know how that Penny and Dime monologue didn't get Bernthal an Emmy nomination. Probably summed up that character better than countless other adaptations combined.

By far the most interesting performance on the show. He was so unsettling how casually malicious he was.

That's what I get for thinking.

I just read the episode list myself and I am wondering who will all get there own iso episodes. Obviously Matt is getting one which means Michael and Mary may get some shine as well. I also think John and Laurie may get they own episode and considering John's arc this season I wouldn't be shocked if Jill is the

Makes you think how old is Kevin Jr? Gotta be close to 36. And Isaac was 36 so we got another biblical allusion.

Seeing as they didn't do this much for the midcard titles the last time Brock took several month breaks with the belt I'm downright shocked and giddy.

By crazy you mean noncoherent?

Poor Bollywood Boyz. They work hard to make to the WWE only to have their original gimmick discarded, then to be given a stereotypical gimmick as the cronies for a career jobber that has no upside what so ever.

The Bilquis scene definitely worked( even if it was out of place). Probably the most memorable scene of the pilot.

OMG did Raw actually just coherently book a main event that elevated a midcard title and advanced the stakes of three separate feuds?!?!?!? I didn't know they had it in them.

I agree with a lot of that. Orton hasn't exactly been on a roll since he returned last summer. If they let Mahal wrestle heel and dominate the match than Orton may actually be able to put on a good show. Orton imo is best when he is a heel and can get away with that slow grinding pace but he is capable of having good

I agree with your opinion on Brock and while this Jinder Mahal push is rushed it's really growing on me. Orton is a big enough star to make it seem like it's elevating Mahal instead of Mahal dragging it down. The huge variable as always, will be does the match deliver.