
I want to kick in the teeth of anyone that bitches about what a professional athlete is paid and the weird standard that they are held to for some reason (they’re black). 

“Yeah, I get it Steve.  Tell the hospital we'll get there as soon as we can. The fuckin' kidney is on ice, it's fine!"

Restricted abortion access and gave a shit load of money to rich people.

Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we begin by declaring that “all men are created equal.” We now practically read it “all men are created equal, except negroes.” When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read “all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and

Effectively banned abortion in huge parts of the country?

Passed a ton of tax cuts for the super wealthy? Stole a Supreme Court seat? Packed the judiciary at every other level? 

I truly wish I could get there with you, but I would bet the house that, unless the Dems truly get their shit together at a staggering velocity, that Trump is going to cruise to a re-election and whatever headwinds the Left makes in congress will be rolled back due to more meddling and vote suppression by the Right.

I’d say it became clear when this buffoon, who had taken steaming shits on every single major Republican power player, had them all telling him how damn tasty his shit was after he won.

Neener Neener Neener You Can’t Stop Us movement

“Whoa hold on...get behind a man? You callin’ me a homo?!”

At bottom, it lacks absolutely any moral or ideological underpinning beyond the reactionary protection of moneyed white men—of their station, their wealth and power, and their egos.”

Its supposed ideas and abstractions are just a framework for spasmodic lashing-out against anything that can be interpreted as a threat

I half expect to wake up tomorrow to an article that talks about how somehow the Browns used an ineligible player, or Mayfield was on two tons of steroids and horse tranquilizers, so the Browns have to retroactively forfeit.

Unfortunately, Dixon was informed that African Americans weren’t permitted to draw certain golf courses. 

GWAR got robbed. Again.

Harbaugh immediately had it removed when he was told Matlock could not be shown in hi-def.

lol eat shit, poor people.

Bradford was then signed to a 7 year, $150 million contract with $60 million guaranteed.

Cheifs: We can’t keep Alex Smith as a backup and no one is going to give us anything for him so I guess we will just waive him

Anyone who has been to a game in Raljon knows it is hands down the worst gameday experience in professional sports. I would rather get black out drunk, light myself on fire, and take a header into a folding table (aka go to a Bills game) than ever go see my favorite team at home. Fuck Dan Snyder for real though.