
Fuck Stan Kroenke and the Walton he rode in on.

Corollary - anything said while noticeably intoxicated. 

Yeah well Forest Hills High School produced ALL four Ramones.

FINALLY someone else in these comments with some sense! I’m amazed at how many people here are running without documentation for those sort of things. I’ve burnt small countries worth of midnight oil writing documentation for processes, and I wouldn’t take back a second of it. If nothing, it gives me the peace of mind

They’ve been biased before. Nobody really wants to see them biased again.

I’m going to die laughing when the Knicks get sold to some Vivek Ranadivé-alike who meddles and fucks up even more than Dolan.

Well my Lambo’s in the shop

You don’t know the pain of having to drive your Aston Martin when the detailers can’t finish your Maybach until 3pm.

No one sings the blues quite like the white son of a white New York billionaire. We can all relate to the struggle.

Dolan is understood to be more interested in music and building cutting-edge entertainment venues than sports.

How many games is the kneeling suspension up to now? 56?

And Tony Dungy can still go fuck himself.

If only the NFL and the Bucs had known that Winston was a scumbag before hiring him...oh, nevermind.

The NFL is handling this so shellfishly.

And Higuain had just Higuain’d it a few minutes prior, albeit with his weaker foot. It was shaping up to be a glorious feast on the Argentine national team. Bah.

Alright, but what’s that got to do with Kareem Abdul Jabar flipping someone the bird?

they need to hide some Germans on their team

Shut the fuck up, incel.

I could see them actually consider this if there were some firm examples of there being real consequences for murdering our children. The videos you think might deter actually encourage.

What people don’t know is Strickland walked into that same wall in 2015 and wasn’t about to let it show him up again.