
In 2016, a turbulent period when law enforcement officials were under siege across the U.S.

Acting “suspiciously” around any nice/white area like a marina or a suburb, definitely might get a police call. If a black person was actually operating a boat, I don’t see why a white person would call the harbormaster/coast guard/what have you. I’ve been around boats my whole life and have never encountered anything

Evening walk in a nice suburb - absolutely. Sailing or powerboating? That’s up there with skiing for “things white people will be shocked a black person is taking part in,” but I’m not sure why anyone would call the police.

That’s terrible. This would never happen at Augusta.

first starbucks, now golf. i wonder what will complete the trifecta of Things White People Like But Will Call Cops On Black People For Also Enjoying

The stereotype referenced is the laundry list of violent criminals the Bengals have happily employed over the years, while displaying discomfort here with the notion of a thinking black man exercising his right to free speech.

“Here in Cincinnati, we prefer our black men to reinforce racist stereotypes.”

You’re missing the point. The point is actually that our system of continual supervision post-conviction creates systems where relatively benign violations trap people in continuous cycles of incarceration and prevent people from getting on with their lives.

I think this place is restricted Wang, so don’t tell ‘em you’re Jewish! OK, fine.

Shouts of “GET OUT, Tiger!” will be answered by loudspeakers with the sound of a clinking teaspoon.

We can’t have fat, stupid, white men ruin golf.

Shunning people who think “Dilly Dilly” is cool. A tradition unlike any other.

Andy Reid: This is really nice.
Assistant Coach: Yeah, check out the formation.
Reid: What’s this?
Assistant: The... clock in the corner?
Reid: Yeah, it keeps counting down.
Assistant: That’s the game clock.
Reid: How do we stop it?
Assistant: [stares]
Reid: [stares]
Assistant: call timeout.
Reid: [looks for pause button]

You have 10000 angry replies to this, but I just wanted to say that I wish GM would stop trying to win Ugliest Car of the Year awards and make something that doesn’t look like what a 70 year old thinks a 30 year old might buy.

NBCSN ran the F1 feed, which also looks better than what they were showing, not to mention the better commentators and real commitment to the sport the network showed. The sport exists for its fans. If you give a huge chunk of them a shitty show, you have a problem.

Somebody’s mommy bought generic pop tarts this week.

More like Tyronn Flue.

So you’re saying that Michigan State refused to change their incorrect course of action, despite mounting evidence that they were doing something wrong? Weird. Doesn’t sound like Sparty.

Leave it to Joe, to compound an already fractious relationship...

I won’t say that NBCSN (RIP Versus, RIP Outdoor Life) is perfection by any means, but I’m far happier with what they’re doing than I ever was with The Worldwide Leader’s coverage anyway. Maybe the NFL would be better off without ESPN- it certainly ended up well for hockey in the end.