
I guess it’s time for Colin Ka—

Sorry guys, I was hacked.

Since when is making jokes about black people going to the zoo racist?! The pussyfication of America continues!

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

Dude walked off the job in the most literal sense, and is worried about getting blackballed? Whoever assigns/hires the refs for high school football probably ranks “might not actually work” pretty among the reasons not to give someone a game I would think.

Anyone surprised he think he owns his players? Anyone surprised ANY rich person thinks this?

“When I wrote in my Wall Street Journal op-ed that, ‘NFL owners should be allowed to sell players to each other at a closed auction where we literally make each player stand naked in chains on an auction block as we bid to take full ownership of them in exchange for being the highest bidder,’ I wasn’t speaking

It’s always been”inmates/asylum” that I have heard and used. This dude showed what he thinks of this men and they are rightfully pissed.

Show of hands: who thinks he’s the only owner in the league who feels this way towards the players?

But will he be good when the playoffs come? That’s the real test.

Romo: Wow, at least Suh didn’t murder him, huh?

From the Reading Comprehension Tees

This is an example of the institutionalized Radical Christian terror that is used to control the populace. Roy Moore has no respect for the law and its limits, except when it benefits him and his socioeconomic race.

Can we check with Megan McArdle and make sure this qualifies? Don’t want to cry wolf again and upset the anglos.

But Breanna, what about some other random, completely unrelated incident of violence perpetrated by black people?

I conquer.

I think it’s pretty obvious how to take care of this. Explain to the administration that having a white supremacist teacher at the school will hurt recruiting for football and basketball.

No, this is Ivanka. Petty died three weeks ago.

The story of American Afrophobia began in the Virginia Colony in 1619, when a Dutch boat offloaded Africans destined for forced labour. I suppose to mark the 400th anniversary, upon us in a year or so, Virginia’s beckies want to mark it by whitewashing their evil and inhumane history.
