
Kaep watch: still unemployed.

Because it is a lot easier to hide behind THE TROOPS than it is to have a discussion on an uncomfortable subject.

Didn’t get back to edit my post in time, so:

Well while you studied in college and enjoyed your barbershop quartet weekends in the 50's, the domestic terrorists—the Klan—burned down and BOMBED black churches, lynched young black men and terrorized black communities. Oh and sense while you were safe and tucked away at college, blacks were still using separate and

The atomic mass of Lynchonium is What the fuck you think?

They also do it creatively. In Budapest, there is “Memento Park” which houses a lot of statues taken down from Communist times. It’s pretty funny and non-descript, and removes all grandeur. That said some of the statues are pretty interesting pieces of art, but their placement in a lot outside of town is apt

It’s important to keep in mind that basically none of these Confederate statues anywhere in the country were put up in the decades following the war in order to commemorate the bravery shown in a losing effort.

No, this statue like all the others were put up in the early 20th century during the heyday of Jim Crow as

Just as a reminder… These are not monuments honoring the dead. They are monuments erected after Plessy v Ferguson as a reminder to black people to stay in their lane.

It takes more strength and technique to hit a homer than it does to dunk. You just have to be tall enough and/or able to jump high enough. As long as we assume a normal distribution of height and allow for two handed dunks, there’s really only one answer.

How bout the dumbass glory boys (girls and non-binaries) kicking the statue after it was toppled. Act like you’ve been there before and hand the statue to the referee.

This is how you deal with racist emblems:

“I fear that a lot of people are starting to view history in the wrong context,” Rep. John Blust, a Greensboro Republican, said of the Confederate memorials.

This has been too long coming. This country should never have tolerated the symbols of the Confederacy after the war. These statues and the battle flag have become so romanticized and bastardized that the people who praise them don’t even know what they actually stood for.

Is there a joke here? Because Gabbert (now) plays for Arizona.

The Pixies “Doolittle”. Not only is it an awesome record, it influenced countless other bands including Nirvana. Without this the Seattle sound may have never existed.

The Pixies “Doolittle”. Not only is it an awesome record, it influenced countless other bands including Nirvana.

I couldn’t even read all of them.

Remember, they got Al Capone for tax evasion, and not any of his real crimes.

If MLB wants to suspend Joe West for a joke, I’m OK with that. They clearly can’t suspend him for his rampaging ego or awful job performance, so let’s suspend him every time makes a joke until he goes away.

I’d say “Keep your chin up, Joe” but that may be impossible

Cowherd’s contractually obligated to call a black person lazy in every segment.

They aren’t SB contenders, but I could see him making the Texans watchable. Maybe the Cardinals? Broncos? I’ll admit, you need to change your system to accommodate his style of play, but there are a few teams that I think he takes from mediocre to somewhat good.