
Yes. His name was Burt Schilling.

People forget this. KC Montana wasn’t embarrassing himself out there. I would compare him to a less high-powered but more clutch late-era Romo: very good when he played, but very injury prone.

Oh bullshit. He completed the process.

“We clapped for Adam Jones AND Isiah Thomas last night! CHECKMATE, LIBTARDS.”

“Well, you see, we couldn’t throw at the other guy because it would look bad after our fans yelled racist things at him”. Baseball at its finest.  

I have been to my fair share of baseball games in Oakland and San Francisco. Never have I heard the n-word thrown around. Especially loud enough for the goddamn center fielder to hear. Fuck that racist bullshit.

Anyone who complains about modern day defense in the NBA needs to watch a game from the 90s on YouTube. Defense was atrocious back then. You couldn’t play any type of a zone, so trapping and double teams could only happen after the player had the ball. It was just a ton of one-on-one defense with no team wide

First ballot hall of fame?! Lmao, for what?

Everyone should call in pretending to live in the Los Angeles in Alien Nation, report “newcomer” crimes against them, ransacking their houses in search of spoiled milk. It might take the operators a while to catch on and waste more of their time.

Probably because this country is in the worst place it’s been in since the Civil War due to racist/sexist faux populism that is headed by a political neophyte that is more concerned about stroking his ego and getting in a round of golf than improving the lives of the people he supposedly wants to govern. It’s okay

no because it matters and isn’t russian fake news. If you want to be blind to the obvious read the sports section of infowars.

They’re all just mad that Schilling got fired, so ESPN is liberal.

Sadly, the massive unprofitability of Grantland and Jay Leno’s incredible ratings during his final years of Tonight Show lets you know that what we liberal internet-using people consider high quality is usually not profitable. Crap is profitable.

If they went back to a sportscenter model that showed mainly highlights and not feel good stories and discussion among “experts” I would probably watch it again. A few months back I decided to turn it on to see what happened in the NBA the day before and I watched it for over 20 minutes before seeing my first sports

That ESPN is“trimming fat” while leaving Chris Berman on the payroll (in whatever capacity he now overfills) is just too ironic to go without some mention here...

I’ve been assured by online conservatives that ESPN’s declining viewership is not because of cord-cutting, but solely because of the sports network pushing a “far left agenda” and its positive coverage of uppity blacks acting all black all the time, and something to do with the gays too.

You know what might have actually helped in the long term? Cutting the executives, some of whom are surely making some pretty large salaries, who decided overpaying for TV rights was a good idea.

He very well could challenge the Chicago Fire for the World Cup Championship in the coming years

The best part is the look on the ref’s face when he cards Messi for taking off his jersey?

Happy for P.K. Subban, he deserves a good playoff run.