
we all know where this is headed...he meets with the pope, he repents in the eyes of the lord and gets another crack on TV or as the president of baylor university. no real consequences for a wealthy white guy with great connections

Sleeper pick for the worst pick of this bunch? Justin Gilbert. Yes, he was bad in the way all Browns picks are bad—he was lousy at football and out of the league before his rookie contract expired—but just look at the next NINE picks in that first round: Anthony Barr, Eric Ebron, Taylor Lewan, Odell Beckham, Aaron

You should have seen the wailing when a local high school changed their team name (the Lancaster Redskins, if you want to Google it). I have never seen so many peaked-in-high-school motherfuckers at a single public meeting before, sweating through their old football jerseys.

Draft Day, 17:

I thought it was generally believed that the first leg of the exodus started from Pi-Rameses to Sukkot in the eastern delta. Memphis is to the south, at the delta’s mouth.

Trumpcare would have benched Dak so Romo could start for the Cowboys.

You know Oscar Munoz and his airline buddies are doing this right know.

What a brilliant move by AEG. Plugging fan favorites and All-Stars into the front office has worked out amazingly well in Colorado. What could possibly go wrong?

I can’t argue with any of your points. I’ll add to one of them. Tiger Woods was the hero golf wanted until he became a bit of a villain (and Mickleson too of late). When your heros become fallen heros their antagonists suddenly don’t look so bad.

I was rooting for Speith and or Fowler. But since they both fell on their

A tradition like no mother.

It wasn’t his fault. He later tweeted, “Oops! Damned Belichick!”

Congratulations to Drew! I knew Emmitt would eventually hire a pro social media guy!

What he lacks in physical presence, he tries to overcompensate with his bankroll.”

It won’t provide the necessary bribes and kickbacks to local politicians and MLS officials.

Okay St. Louis, I have an idea, hear me out. There’s the guy named Stan Kroenke, he’s a billionaire and you’ve probably never heard of him. He already owns an MLS team, the Colorado Rapids, but they play in a crappy old stadium, maybe you could get him to move the team to St. Louis?

Lousy Urban Types with their loud, Urban Type music and their provocative Urban Type dancing. Sometimes I wish they’d all go back to the Urban Type areas they came from.

As a St. Louisan, I am embarrassed that our city didn’t step up and vote yes. This is the world we live in. You can rail all you want against public funding for private purposes like stadiums, but where’s the outcry against things like TIF? Public funding exists for private purposes in other ways, and for our city to

Sounds like they voted the right way, just like how they play baseball.

Easy. Carl Spackler’s 1980 call of former assistant groundskeeper Carl Spackler winning the Masters.