
Rivera was going to send an email to Adam Schefter announcing the punishment, but he couldn’t find his laptop.

Allow me to retort. Fuck you and your fucking football rape factory. No one feels sorry for you. We’re all happy you’re out of the playoff, even if that means the Ohio Fuckstate University is in. May your team lose 10 games a year for each kid your people raped (and covered up), which by my count equals enough loses

I think the kids who were raped would only feel true closure if PSU won the NC. Just getting in may not be enough healing.

I know right? You guys are the real victims here, and noone understands

You just cant be a black guy

Gutsy move on ESPN’s part. Someone’s got to give white dudes who hate black people and women a safe space.

I want to live in your America. You also have single payer national healthcare and President-elect Clinton, right?

The English really need to take a lesson from America.

The only person I’ve seen skate by for longer with questionable skills, all while hovering around 500, is Jason Whitlock.

Careful now. Keep posting Kinja like that and you could wind up U.S. Attorney General.

Now we have judges officiating from the bench? Not in my America! And why is the judge’s secretary hearing a case, much less being let out of the house by her husband the day before Thanksgiving.

Eagles fans tried sending him that but it didn’t work. Your best bet at getting the message across is by scrawling it in frosting on a cake.

I wish Mustaine had let someone, anyone else sing for him, because if he had, Megadeth would have been bigger than Metallica, because pound for pound they have more riffs than anyone else.


Everything on the Ringer feels like it was turned in half written.

And so the bigotry and hatred continues, tearing apart our country..

You know what else got started on a Thursday? A terrible NFL tradition.

Isn’t Phil Rivers a Quiverfull dipshit who loves Donald Trump?

The part of David Ortiz will be played by Emma Stone, with the part of Curt Schilling being played by a partially microwaved Teddy Ruxpin doll with a tape of Alex Jones greatest hits inside.