
How is it possible for me to simultaneously be completely sick of this whole fiasco and also root for it to continue forever? These are annoying/amazing times we live in.

I, for one, am extremely happy to see the NCAA crack down on this kind of nonsense.

I can’t go to my job wearing a horsemask.

This is really the NCAA at its best. Coaches who are not the highest paid state employees; players that wont make a dime from their sport probably ever and probably go to class once in a while. But fuck that. *

I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.

Thanks for the fresh, hot take.

Even their letterhead has the wrong skyline. That’s clearly Seattle. See the space needle? Jeez, not even the Toronto mayor knows where they are.

I fully expect Nick Saban to come down hard on these two men and dock them a full game’s pay.

The thing is, 15 year ago I really enjoyed Simmons. He was funny, actually wrote about sports, the pop culture thing was fresh - it was good stuff. I think Simmons falls under his whole Kanye rule - he is smart, but he knows it. Once he moved to Grantland I stopped reading him (partially because he stopped writing)

Now playing

I believe that billionaires should pay for their own fucking football stadiums.

Dick Pound may pooh-pooh Zika in public, but behind closed doors he and the IOC are elated that there will be a whole new generation of pinheads across the globe for them to grift.

Incredible. What an awful blow to a team that was on the cusp of being a perennial 6 or 7 seed in the East chuck full of exciting young players whose amazing dunks and athleticism would have been on display in painful 91-85 losses to a number of throbbing excitement factories like Atlanta and Miami or avatars of the

Guys who are on reddit jerk off a lot?????

Spot on Barry. Next year the Caps will finally surpass the stumbling point, losing to the Pens in 6 in the Conference Finals.

Fake mooned. Never forget that Joe Buck lost his shit over a fake moon.

“When in doubt, side with a convicted child molester” seems like a solid policy

Where is he buried? I have to take a piss.

I think it’s one of those cases like we see with 50/50 calls in the NFL. If the ref on the ice had initially called it a goal, the war room would have upheld that ruling too. But since he waived it off initially, that ended up being the call...

I’m indifferent to both teams, but they did get screwed.

I hope I can catch these guys on this tour- they’re playing Madison Square Garden, the Beacon Theater, Radio City Music Hall, and the Los Angeles Forum.