What is considered a "long" amount of time? 1 hour? 3 hours? 8 hours?
What is considered a "long" amount of time? 1 hour? 3 hours? 8 hours?
Fuck you Frucci, for making me choke on my spaghetti and have a noodle ooze out of my nostril in front of my the lady I pay rent to.
@ergonomicuser: I can't believe this debate is still going...
@chrismoke: You actually thought he was boring before all this happened? Really? The world's best golfer, boring? And then when he gets caught cheating on his wife with 10 women, you think he's cool?
@ergonomicuser: So by your logic, Tiger Woods could be cheating on his wife with 10+ women, and the general public shouldn't care at all?
@Yamato: Couldn't agree more. I enjoy my fine women as much as the next guy, but for f**k's sake, I'm sick and tired of this...
@Kraken: He was just proving a poi— ugh... nevermind....
They should give customers that use this a $10 credit on their bill. For just one time maybe a cellphone company can show customers they appreciate them.
@Blastarr: Um, where'd you get those statistics from? Just checked several very reliable sources and Australia isnt't mentioned in any of them.
@Brodka: regrettably: I like what I'm reading...
@Killjoy: I should mention that the SOG PowerAssist does have locks on all the assisted torsion blades, so that is pretty much a surefire way of not opening it accidentally.
@Killjoy: My boss bought me this knife with the wire stripper attachment.
@Shamoononon: I shave my legs.: You could just send it to me in a message actually
@Shamoononon: I shave my legs.: Can you show his entire post? I'd like to see the entirety of it just so it's a fair debate. The segment that you posted isn't very detailed, and I think in this case details are what count.
@Vysion: Definitely have to keep those titles in mind if I buy the Wii, thanks! #newsupermariobroswii
I'm seriously considering buying a Wii just for this game.
@Hello Mister Walrus: 16TB cloud storage, $4000 now. #gizmodoremainders
@Sorzante: Funny, I feel the same way. I first played Modern Warfare when I was really high, and it bothered me a lot that they were pretty much reenacting traumatizing war battles. Personally, if I was a vet, I might be offended by it.
I don't care about any of this Media Molecule!!! GIVE ME THE WATER EXPANSION!!!
@ericesque: Really?? I had a feeling I could have been wrong. I usually just look at the screenshot, comments, and then skip right to the Flickr.