
I've thought about making something like this for my laptop...

There's NO f**king right time, and it pisses me off. There's always new products, and when you live in Canada like me, you have to wait an extra 5 months to get anything good.

Now THIS is a nice desktop! Especially since I torrented Star Trek last night haha

@037: Well said. Some of my favorite workspaces were the ones from people who didn't have much money, but god damn were they resourceful... lol

Hey all my fellow Lifehackers, I'm in a bit of a jam and I need the advice from the community...

@iamkewl: Haha yeah I'm addicted to Rocketdock and Stacks.

Free music?!?! NO FREAKIN' WAY!

I wouldn't mind sharing a pipe with Lifehacker...

@SJRNWT: Wtf, I thought this was Giz?! Well, come on Gawker/every Gawker site.

This is a joke, right?

@wewillchange: I too would like a reply notification of some sort. An edit button would be great too, that way any double post I do doesn't result in me looking like a complete and utter failure. :)

@Tsylord: [] That's my Windows 7 set up. That's a bit of an old screenshot but for the most part it's the same as what I have now.

prnt scrn?

@BarbeQueQ: Don't go there girlfriend. *snaps fingers*

Ugh, I hate this recession...

This is a bit unrelated but...