
@undefined: I'm not touching this download with a 20 foot pole.

If the world listened to Lifehacker and Gizmodo...

Shhhhhhhh!!! Stop educating n00bs... I need my free wi-fi... :-(

@undefined: Oh god, not another OS war... honestly... You people all must realize that the whole OS war is pretty much like a digital form of racism. We all look different, but in the end, we're all the same for the most part! lol.

@tylerf: Hey I like Ikea stuff. Furniture is where I draw the line when it comes to brand name status. It's too expensive of a product to care about brand name, especially if the product is great.

In my psychology class we learned that if you normally have 8 hours of sleep a day, and then you switch to 6 hours of sleep a day, you show signs of pre-diabetes or something like that. It's pretty crazy lol.

Definitely adding this to Rocketdock

Which is the best when it comes to fuel consumption?

I have a question— I'm a 18 year old college student (so in other words I'm close to broke). I really want to get into photography but these cameras are just so expensive. However, someone from Gizmodo or Lifehacker said to me a while ago that I should just buy an old film camera instead of a digital one.

I hate to be "that guy" but they've been using these in India for years now. Also in Malaysia too, and probably in some other countries I haven't been to haha

I'll start the day off with some delicious roflwaffles and lmaonade, and finish the night with some wine.

@undefined: I would but I'm too broke...

@puntai: Nothing wrong with Yoga.