Summer ♥

Nobody held a gun to your head and made you read the story.

Because I came to read about cars, not suspected rapists. Uber stories here have merit when they deal with the self-driving tech, otherwise this should be on some other Gawker site.

“As far as using her card, yeah that’s shitty”

You’re a moron. I don’t know where you’re from, but here in the U.S. you cannot give consent if you’re intoxicated. It’s a law. Nothing is as infuriating as a scumbag coming in to save the day by telling a girl “sorry about the rape, next time don’t get so drunk”. You are the lowest of the low in modern society and we

“If she doesn’t remember anything, she certainly doesn’t remember saying, ‘I don’t want these things to happen.’ ”

Just watched a piece of shit Law and Order episode about virtually the same thing last night, minus the uber.

does Esteban Gergely run ads in local papers and on sports talk radio stations claiming to fix rape allegations in the way other attorneys claim to get you out of dui’s?