
You remind me of the character in Forrest Gump that tried to justify hitting Robin Wright by blaming President Johnson and the Viet Nam war. Everything is not going great and trying to unwind the 24 years is a monumental struggle. Clinton, Bush and Obama made more of mess than if they left it alone. Clinton and

Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, MA was privately fund by Kraft, but don’t let the facts get in the way of your stupidity.

What you don’t understand about the Patriots is that they are a complete team and they are not differentiating between on field and off field personnel

As opposed to the fucking idiots that believe the issue of islamic terrorists can be resolved with a more open dialogue and diplomacy. Kumbaya motherfucker those asshole would fuck your skull while they raped your daughter the day after you donated your kidney to their dying grandfather. This is the chasm that