
Jones is living proof that this is a fallacy. The only reason he was banned from social media is because the left DIDN’T ignore him. Instead we pointed out that he was a hate-mongering psycho and eventually something was done. Do you honestly think Facebook or Youtube would have cared otherwise?

Good news is that without Net Neutrality, all the other websites might get throttled enough to where Kinja doesn’t look so bad...


This just in: 80% of Americans (us rural people) have 1 choice of internet service provider. Guess how good the service is in monopoly land.

Maybe he’s not the hero we need, but he’s the one we deserve.

- narration from the upcoming Werner Herzog documentary about this guy

You know - If I had to imagine the face of the guy who got fired for posting his farts... Yeah. Pretty much that guy.

Cool. How do I opt out of Lifehacker’s “turn off your ad-blocker” messages?

Psh not with Super Hulu no-ads 4k Premium or whatever the highest tier is I’m paying $11.99 a month for. I haven’t seen an ad in months. My parents describe some new funny Geico animals to me and I have zero concept what they’re talking about. 

Next, has anyone found a way to keep their annoying previews from auto playing if I stop scrolling for a freaking second in the app? I cannot fathom why they thought it was a good idea to just start blaring unwanted video and noise just because my cursor stopped moving.

Sounds like your actual reason to cancel is because you don’t like the selection and not because of ads.

“Stealing large sums of money and filing fraudulent tax returns with the IRS are not crimes.”

“Hey, I’m a weird little freak too! She’ll love me! I should totally mail her those pictures I drew of her as naked Sailor Mars!”

I’m just happy knowing I’m way out of Aubrey Plaza’s league instead of being way way WAY out of Aubrey Plaza’s league.

I picture their relationship being exactly like the first season of Legion.


This is got to be giving a lot of nerds some inflated hopes.

If you go to Savings Catcher on the Walmartapp, there’s an option to add recent receipts, including electronic ones. I’m not 100% sure if there’s an automatic way to do it as soon as you receive E-receipt. On the plus side, it pays you back through Walmart Pay now, which is much more convenient than original system

There’s multiple layers to the single scenario of the play, I’m not sure how you could possible argue that there’s only one layer to the show as a whole. Have you even seen more than just the video posted here? 

You really don’t know what you’re talking about.