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    This needs like a million upvotes.

    I have to admit…. Nolan's dream world was ALARMINGLY similar to my own. Architectural dreams in which disorienting and maze-like buildings are the primary focus of the impetus behind the dream constitute a LOT of my nightly dreaming experience, and have since I was a small child.

    Closely related to the cotpuddle is the cockhobble, which also leave a puddle in the bed round the nether regions, but involves more Kathy-Bates-with-a-sledgehammer.

    Sadly, no one remembers her as Marvel Ann in "Psycho Beach Party". My early-adolescent-self was very smitten with her… I've always been glad she turned out to be as talented as she was sexy.

    I thought the implication is that she's a wooden performer, but I definitely think more people would get boners than get bored watching her.

    Two of these names are literally my brother and his wife's preferred names for their first two children. When they told me and my wife the names, we both just flicked our eyes at each other real fast and then were like "Uh okay cool, sounds good." I truly have no idea how I will handle having nieces and nephews with

    I've always assumed the way they'll justify having her elected as President while retaining the "Veep" title and concept is that she'll have to select some awful, incompetent, repulsive Dan Quayle / Sarah Palin / John Edwards mash-up of a running mate who will be just popular enough to help her secure a victory, but

    I don't think Sue could actually run a campaign… the joy of Sue is that I'm pretty sure the only thing she cares about it getting the job done. She doesn't have the "big picture vision" a campaign manager would need, she just has the ruthlessness to implement someone else's "vision" at any cost.