
I hope he realizes what this could lead to (as mentioned in the article): profile views (i.e. scan, face sideways, scan again) or scan plus quick patdown along everyone's sides. You're exposed to far more radiation in flight, so there's no worry about the additional scan requirement. It's something they should've

"AT&T and Comcast have—of course—come out in opposition to the added-security requirements, arguing that any additional oversight would stifle innovation."

I like that you singled out John Lennon in particular, as it reminded me of one of my favorites I hadn't thought about in a while: "Real Love." Such a perfect example of tasteful use of careful splicing and post-production. They turned what was essentially John fiddling around on the piano and coming up with some

Isn't the very idea of the government granting people trials and the right to defend themselves exactly what a group like Anonymous would supposedly want? Rather than assuming guilt without a trial? If so, be prepared for people to defend themselves, and don't target the people whose job it is to defend them.

Me too, and I didn't think they were too bad this morning either. Guess I'll understand why the Monti Target is out of half the stuff I need when I'm grocery shopping this weekend...

Me too! About 10 miles myself. But, small world!

The patent should've been granted. It just should've expired by now. The idea of making a piece of software that could detect a string of numbers as being a phone number, or the text of an address as being an address, and making them clickable was probably pretty revolutionary in '96. Now, not so much.

Ah, just saw that on the tablet too... good catch!

Wonder how many times the man asked "Crysis fruet?"....

Because Cicero, though he was a visionary who arguably shaped life to this day, was an annoying little prick who loved to berate and correct people who held different views from his own, often in an unnecessarily garish way. I actually laughed pretty hard at terming him this, because it's true.

Considering Sam seems to be a pretty bright guy (who studied philosophy if I remember reading correctly on another story of his once), I think calling Cicero a Greek sculptor who's known for Hellenistic reforms rather clever given the subject of this post...

But the commercial is just airing now...and makes no sense because the 4S is already out, which I think is the point Guff was trying to make. "The next big thing is already here" only makes sense to say if, you know, your product is the only one out right now. Otherwise, save it for the lead up to the iPhone 5

Is a WiFi network name publicly broadcasted "your property" though? Compare the statement: "there is a house at 555 10th St. NE in Atlanta, GA and it is blue" to the statement "there is a WiFi network somewhere on the 500 block of 10 St. NE of Atlanta, GA and it is called 'myfuckingawesomenetwork'." Isn't it the

As an attorney, I can tell you you'd be absolutely shunned in the legal community if you ever tried to prosecute something like a false weight on Seems to me to be designed to make it easier to prosecute some 45 year old sleazeball who is pretending to be a 14 year old to prey upon other 14 year olds.

Apple never said that... Plus the the IR blaster to sense when the phone is up to your ear and therefore activate Siri is only available on the 4S. Yes, it's not necessary for the rest of Siri to function correctly, but it's Apple we're talking about, so in their eyes Siri wouldn't fully work on older devices.

Why does Google have to provide an opt out ability at all? How is this any different from Google driving by your house and jotting down your house's color? Both are seen from a public street and pose no threat to privacy whatsoever.... Am I missing something here?

Let's not pretend that Apple is the only company who does this...

YES. Thank you. I'm sure Siri would work fine on a 4, an iPad, and iPad 2, and the fourth gen touch, but then upon flipping the iOS 5 switch, 100 million devices would suddenly be using it. And then it would suck.

You'd have to have a pretty big sense of entitlement if you feel like "they are screwing you, the consumer" just by giving your old phone a bunch of awesome new features except one. Apple has in fact seemed pretty generous compared with a certain other operating system in terms of updating old hardware with new

Calling the group of working stiffs who have to put up with a bunch of whiny self-entitled passengers all day "minimum wage freaks" is not very nice.... And I fly every Monday and Friday and have never once been "groped." I have to stand in the scanner about 1 in 3 times or so, but that's about it. It takes less