
That would make them a One Hit Wonder That Had Two Hits

If the first episode of the season doesn't start with Barry being ripped to pieces by time wraiths, I'm gonna be pissed.

I trace the decline in Cerebus to around the Mothers and Daughters storyline. You can tell, because the letters pages go from having actual letters, to being solid blocks of text, where Sim would go on and on about his half-assed ideas.
It's bizarre how the book got prettier and prettier, yet duller and duller.

I was surprised this line of thought wasn't elaborated a bit when the killer confessed, if only for Sherlock to snark about how many murders per billions would be worth it.

Grendel, when he creeps out of the hold at midnight, and rips Gopher's face off.

Right, she did Eps. I-III for the artistic merits, not the ten digit paycheck.

Right, she did Eps. I-III for the artistic merits, not the ten digit paycheck.

The problem wasn't Sloan's character. The problem was they decided to reset the status quo every season. They chose to preserve Jack as the designated badass and Sydney as the hero, but everyone else had their characters rewritten.

The problem wasn't Sloan's character. The problem was they decided to reset the status quo every season. They chose to preserve Jack as the designated badass and Sydney as the hero, but everyone else had their characters rewritten.