Social Justice Doof Warrior

Still playing Hades, still loving Hades. Topping out at 15 heat with the bow so far (I follow Dark Thirst, which seems to hate my shield, as I’m only at 7 heat with that one). After 20, I may jump directly to 32 and get massacred. It’ll ruin my win rate (76 wins out of 120 matches = 63.33% by my math), but no guts, no

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.

Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal. - Ernest Hemingway

Concourse post, comments work!

How great would it be if the other blogs all started covering sports today?

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

Three of the first six items on the main Deadspin page are ads that are designed to look like articles, and God knows the Kinja Deals posts are loaded with sponsor-affiliated content. I think you guys can find a more worthy target than this.

The arc of this Kinja is long, but it bends toward a +1

Of the four people in the photo, two aren’t wearing blackface. So I really only blame the two people in masks and the photographer who presumably also came up with the caption. I am worried the UT Code of Conduct only allows for punishment if all the involved parties are punished.

shriveled ham goblin

I laughed entirely too hard at shriveled ham goblin, then when I pictured Danny DeVito lost at sea chasing a rum got so much worse.

Pro tip for anyone with an ex who threatens suicide: call the cops. When they’re chilling in an emergency room on a 72 hour hold, they’ll either get help for a genuine mental illness, or they’ll learn a valuable lesson about threatening suicide to manipulate others. 

Many years ago I broke up with a girl and she would hit me up for a loan every few weeks for several months afterward. The loan drop-offs usually ended in sex, so maybe that counts as a multi-month breakup? Either that or we moved from a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship to a prostitute-john relationship. Either way, I

It’s because some people think that both parties have to agree that they are broken up. It took some time for me* to realize that I could break up with someone and not have to be there for their closure period. It was liberating.

I look forward to Ley’s long-form response “Bears.”

He doesn’t owe us an explanation.

I was holding out hope that at the end of the night, Shitty would take off his mask, revealing himself to be Radcliffe, but I have to assume that wasn’t in the budget.

One clip on YouTube and the opening stumbles

Yeah, but that’s like 27 in dog feet.