Oh COOL, a slowed down, melancholic cover version of an 80s song sung by a croaky chick.
Oh COOL, a slowed down, melancholic cover version of an 80s song sung by a croaky chick.
It IS interesting though, innit? The hoops you have to jump through to avoid the pitchforks. As long as you prostrate yourself, repeatedly, you get a pass. Do it again and again until you get it right. Does he mean it? Or does he have a show coming out? I hope to fuck that all of this was manufactured, from start to…
Man’s opinion wrong, opines man.
This is now the worst article title on the entire internet. Congratulations. “Looks like a lot of things to us”... fuck my eyes.
How dare you mention Tombstone at a time like this.
Seeing as how I just realised this existed, I have experienced a massive high, which is now on a downward trajectory having read your post. Is it that different? I love those books. Love ‘em. Have they changed much? Fuck it, don’t tell me... I’m goin’ in.
This is about agents, isn’t it? I find it hard to believe, given that in my ordinary dull little civilian life that I have to deal with some sort of unecessary middle-man in just about every poxy thing I do, that there aren’t third parties involved on every side of this issue. I guess that’s just a consequence of…
This article is so very, very strange. “Waterworld is more impressive and more problematic than you remember”. That’s an odd title. I’m pretty sure I remember Waterworld just fine. I think what you’re trying to tell me is that I should be remembering something else about Waterworld, something like, oh I don’t know,…
I’m a couple of episodes in, and I’m enjoying this more than 2049. 2049, however, was just the most awful, boring disappointment to me, so AC doesn’t really need to work too hard to beat it. This is still styled way too close to Blade Runner, especially with the noir. There’s even a bit of pointless voice-over that I…
Normally, the Fisherman’s Friend adverts are pretty damn irritating, but watching the camera pan across an array of dismembered, wounded and dying Saxon soldiers only for the caption “Suck it up” to pop up on screen was quality.
He is our Goldblum. Well, him and Brian Blessed.
Every time I see The Batffleck, my attention is drawn to the instantly recognisable mole on his cheek. Even my phone knows that it’s Bruce Wayne under that mask.
It’s all a bit too familiar.
Yup, so there is. I’d forgotten. I was going to semi-apologise for being sarcastic toward Mr Harbour above, but I can’t stop staring at that absurdly tiny saxamaphone.
“But you never go back when he’s a kid and you’re like, ‘How did he become Indiana Jones?’”