
If we’re being honest, this whole thing pushed her career forward faster than ever.

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.

Passengers on the Aaron Hernandez cruise, however, did not have nearly as much fun.

Fred Smoot was reportedly unimpressed.

Dude, we all celebrate your running prowess, but you gotta look up “casual” in the dictionary. That’s an 8:36/mile pace. If you are running a marathon in less than four hours, you are — by definition — more than a casual runner.

Can we get one thing straight. Most casual runners can’t even run 26.2 miles, so just the achievement itself amazing.

Also, who in the heck was dumb enough to suggest that the font on the statues be alterable?

Here is the church.

I heard this handheld was dying, but it seems Sony has finally come up with a patch that literally kills them.

I’ve seen it, and I did not enjoy it. At all. No spoilers: Some moments play out in such a cliche manner that I was waiting in certain scenes for events to occur, because I predicted them minutes earlier, sometimes an hour earlier. I did not like it, and I’m prepared to raise my voice against the masses come Friday. I

Ah, found the Sixers fan.

The fact that the assistants have a protocol for shielding a competitor from the cameras with their bodies is kinda remarkable.

That would be ironic, since Joe McCarthy fought for years to keep Big Red out of government.

+1 Substance trumps (er...) form

I am not sure what inferences you believe can be drawn from this statement.

Don’t be misled by the corporate structure. What matters is what actually happens. I’ve seen 501c3’s that are effectively little more than vehicles for tax avoidance for the wealthy. (Look up charitable remainder unitrusts to see one way of how this works.) Likewise, there are many businesses that are truly charitable

uh, okay... any asshole who can cause large scale beneficial change in the world should maybe get a pass for being an asshole? maybe your standards are higher though.

Why are we talking shit about giving $45B (over a lifetime) and labelling it a “pseudo-charity”. It’s a lot of fucking money and almost definitely a “real” charity.