
He stole that quote like it was in the seafood section of Publix.

“Hurling is an Irish sport that is similar to field hockey”

I would argue that many of these gripes are actually done to deliberately feel old and archaic. A full on satellite image or a nice 3d color map wouldn’t make sense in that Fallout world. Hell, computers in 2077 still used vacuum tubes and had monochrome screens with physical switches. It’s supposed to feel clunky

I like the interface.

It went over it’s designed load limits. The airframe was compromised.

The complete silence on Carson Palmer’s “suck it” compared to the nonsense surrounding Cam speaks volumes. Like you, it all seems so cliche at this points. Its like even the haters are going through the motions.

Translation: The Showboating Black Man Burned My Daughters Eyes With His Black Dancing Acid.

I redirected her attention to the cheerleaders and mascot.

When a star goes nuts celebrating a goal, its fairly meh to me. But when a dude few knew about does this on this level, The celebration feels so much more real. Like, all the emotions of a kid living his dream comes out every single time. It never gets old. Such a much better story than being a chosen one by all at 10

I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came

I mean, that’s a bit much, isn’t it?

sorry lionel, this is a safe space for white billionaire pill poppers.

Sorry your mongoloid QB is dying.

Smith followed up with, “That’s the problem with telepromter parents today.”

Emmitt Smith was pretty upset about this. In his day a player played, “no matter know many kid’s knees were laser aided.”

Big deal. Jim Irsay doesn’t even have a kidney.

I would argue PCs are a waste, if all you’re interested in is playing games.

All day long I sit in an office chair looking at a computer. The last thing I want to do when I get home is look at another. The PS4 allows me to sit on the couch with Mrs Houser and decompress. I cannot ever remember saying to her “Geez I wish my frame rate was better”

How was arkham knight on pc? I enjoyed it on console.

So basically what you’re saying is building a gaming PC is a massive waste of time and money.