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    Stay off Reddit and other threads where such "rendering" occurs and save yourself from predictions that may spoil your enjoyment of the show.

    Interesting point. That did not occur to me. It was such an absurd situation (as dreams/hallucinations often are) that I don't know that many would get that, if that's what the writers were shooting for.

    I enjoyed the seasons. The first season was great at showing how emotionally and psychologically scarred the characters and the town of Mapleton were due to the departure. Great acting.


    Thanks…I'll rewatch it. So many layers to this show to keep track of. A compliment, not a criticism.

    "…there have been an uncommonly large number of male rape victims and there has been virtually no conversation about itl" I don't doubt that. How many of these male rape victims were raped by a woman?

    Cool, I'll check it out.

    I recall that conversation where she's having the intense conversation with Nora…just saying that she had done it at least once prior to Evie's disappearance. Not sure if the person I replied to was aware.

    She was doing the bird in a box thing before Evie disappeared….just watched episode 1.


    I don't remember seeing her in earlier trailers

    "I hear capes are coming back this fall…"

    Gene Hackman was a funny Luther but without the shtickishness.

    This trailer ended up making me feel less excited about the movie.


    I wonder…Could a man — not to mention one who had just been beaten down, kidnapped and imprisoned in the back of a van — really achieve and maintain an erection when he really did not want to have sex? Also, would a man who had just been beaten down, kidnapped and imprisoned *want* to have sex? I'm pretty sure I would

    Yes, it makes sense in that context.

    How about "What caused the Departure?" That's the biggie to me.

    We see Matt alone with Mary, imploring her to wake up again. So whether she actually did or not, he believes that she did. If she did not, it means that he must have had a psychotic break or did a sleepwalk a la Kevin, and had sex with her during that sleepwalk/break. If that's the case I guess he could plead "not

    Not sure what to deduce from the silent car ride home juxtaposed with the preceding scene. I'll guess we'll find out on Sunday. Looking forward to this.