Posts like this burn me up. io9 will try to heat up their pageviews by publishing every inflamatory story they find. If they keep it up, this site's destined to go down in a blaze of glory.
Posts like this burn me up. io9 will try to heat up their pageviews by publishing every inflamatory story they find. If they keep it up, this site's destined to go down in a blaze of glory.
These pictures and vids keep coming out. This thing is going to become some sort of internet legend - "it's so bad it's oh-my-god-it's-horrible" - and fester into a cult classic that never was, until some fan gets a hold of the suit and concepts, or recreates them, and makes the god-awfulest, most amazing movie ever
@Angry Robot: You're right. Think back to movie posters from the 50s and 60s. They're all cut and pastes of seemingly random images from the film, treated so they look nothing like the original. I prefer something like that, or the Thor poster, to horrible rom-com posters where they blatantly photoshop stars' heads…
So you're telling me hiccupping sucks, then it blows? I knew that.
@Paul Hair: And then when it doesn't work, they'll just blow it up. That's how science works.
Picture # 12 from a different angle
@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): That fish is totally frowning. He's all like, "aw, maannn."
@MattyMattMatt: Function over form. I have one of each because some of my work applications are better viewed with more vertical space.
@Arken: It may be possible. The book summary says that the protagonists are using that extra time to do research.
@meatbag_pussrocket: Asimov fail. That's Philip K. Dick.
@Jakooboo- Prolific Writer: Don't forget about Pandora. Dr. Grace said it has more, too.
@Phil Erskine: That would be more impressive if it were made of mashed potatoes.
No big deal, NASA used to churn them out every six months or so.
@cadrina: It has a flavor of "Food of the Gods" by Arthur C. Clarke. In this future, all food is synthetically produced. One brand, Ambrosia Plus, becomes a runaway hit, and its makers have to reveal - before some sort of Congressional committee, it seems - that their product is a perfect substitute for human flesh.
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: That's more or less how WarGames started, and then we got WOPR. Do we want WOPR flying all of our planes?
@sbambasi: I'm sure he was thinking that this is some crazypants stuff, and that's right up his alley, and he's done enough awesome that he can do whatever the wants.
@Ding-Dang: Not a cop. He's a private dick.
@lozerette: Well, I should have read better, but I've now done my research and they do serve bbq. Still hungry.