Clockwork Orange

Defund the police!

Time to defund the police!

So when’s the movie coming out?

Is that a comedy piece? His argument is its not that Bangladesh doesn’t have worker standards its that its not being enforced because factory owners are connected to the government. Probably because the morons are too more busy killing minorities and homosexuals to conduct building inspections.

I mean that’s his actual brother, buddy. There’s no big mysterious connection to draw here. Wokesters are so tiresome.

Gotta respect their culture man! The US is always the worst. lol.

This is America. Muslims are like 10th in line for coming after.

Fucking yourself is haraam. Fucking underage kids however is not. Funny.

A great day now that a towel prescribed by a pedophile to prevent men from raping women is now being worn in Congress. #Femenism

Might be more believable if people weren’t risking death to cross our borders everyday. Turns out Muslim countries really are bigger shitholes than the US. Sad.

Death threats are terrible. But its no surprise that a bigot like Ilhan Omar attracts other crazy bigots.

Does not seem like you’re fine with it at all.

I bet he’s smoking hormones!


That’s what so ironic about cancel culture it only works on the weak and the little guys! The big fish swim free!

Indeed. And the market has spoken!

lol. It’s like you refuse to see there’s an entire country of people that disagree with you. He’s literally proving it by selling out 10 cities including one liberal Canada. God, give it a rest. You’ll never make us all comply.

Yup. So weird for a guy to buy a house in the town he grew up in. Makes no fucking sense at all!

Actually it is. He literally joked about it during his recent film tour.

What is Krysten even doing in the Senate? She clearly isn’t intelligent enough for this job. Send her back to the kitchen and tell her to make President Biden a sandwich. Sinema is a great reminder that more women in government is a bad idea. A male politician would have just worn a nice suit. No drama.