Some dressed that ugly belongs in the kitchen.
Some dressed that ugly belongs in the kitchen.
I think its open season on all sluts who don’t toe the party line. You want to be a feminist, then support President Joe Biden without question.
Yeah. We can’t not call out an ugly bitch. Would it kill her to wear some makeup and smile more?
Yup, she’s just asking for it dressed like that.
Because she’s a bitch that we don’t like. So all feminist rules are suspended.
You mean he didnt vote against his principles just because Trump insulted him? What a weirdo! A true wokester always votes based on their feewings.
He did make Jewish jokes and Asian jokes, you moron. That’s the problem with getting offended without watching the special.
Did they accidentally surgically remove your brain instead of your pee pee?
Wow, trans people seem to be getting smarter. They can type up to two words now. Impressive.
Worth noting that this line of thinking is from a rant by Michael Harriot that is supposedly about a transphobic Dave Chappelle special
Plenty have said the special isn’t funny. Problem is it has an audience rating of 96%, so people just out themselves as morons when they say it.
Even the ones where he uses the f*****t word? Shame on you homophobe!
No, only murderers and rapists get second chances. Making fun of the LGBTQs must be punished with permanent exile and no future source of employment.
Worth noting TERF isnt a recognized hate group or an organization of any kind. Just some nonsense wokesters made up.
Dave Chappelle is white now?
I see. So making fun of other people is ok, its only offensive when its your group. Got it.
Manslaughter and saying “mean” words are not remotely comparable. One is actually a criminal offense everywhere. The other is only a criminal offense in China, Saudi Arabia etc.
Oh for god’s sake you moron. No one cares that you want to whine about his special. They care because you tried to get it pulled. Feel free to round up the greatest trans comics and do an hour long roast of Dave. No one cares.
I get the same joy from reading the non-greys and I don’t have to scroll down either. Imagine whining about a show you dont even like! What a set of no life losers!
Why not? The world is full of people supporting things they like. What never makes sense is the morons who make time to watch the things they dont like.